40 Mike Pence Quotes to Change Your Perspective on Politics

Michael Richard Pence is the 48th Vice President of the United States. He served under Donald Trump’s leadership from 2017 to 2021. He was also the chairperson of the White House Coronavirus Task Force in 2020. Before his time in the White House, Pence was the Governor of Indiana from 2013 to 2017.

He is a Republican with strong views on politics and legislation. His dedication towards improving the tax and health laws of the United States is appreciated by the supporters of the Republican Party. Whether you like his views or not, here are some Mike Pence quotes that are capable of changing your views on politics!

Mike Pence Quotes

1.”We should stand by our allies, but we should also stand by our ideals and work with our allies and encourage them to live up to the democratic institutions and traditions that they enjoy.” – Mike Pence
2.”Whether it’s called ‘compassionate conservatism’ or ‘big government Republicanism,’ after years of record increases in federal spending, more government is now the accepted Republican philosophy in Washington.” – Mike Pence
3.”When you get the economy growing, that’s when you can deal with the national debt.” – Mike Pence
4.”With regard to Turkey, I have been to Ankara. Turkey is a democracy. We certainly, we certainly, in the future, ought to encourage our ally to live up to their own democratic institutions and their own democratic ideals.” – Mike Pence
5.”By requiring that any surplus in Social Security taxes be returned to the American people in personal savings accounts, the plan ensures that Social Security taxes will be used for Social Security.” – Mike Pence
6.”We’ve seen an economy stifled by more taxes, more regulation, a war on coal and a failing health care reform come to be known as Obamacare, and the American people know that we need to make a change.” – Mike Pence
7.”Well, the truth is, Republicans didn’t just lose a few elections, we lost our way.” – Mike Pence
8.”[Donald Trump] will stand on the principles that have underpinned his commitment to end illegal immigration in this country. And that’s what people will learn more about in the days ahead.” – Mike Pence

quotes by Mike Pence
9.”I mean, the reality is unemployment today – over 14 million Americans are unemployed. That’s exactly what it was a year ago. I mean, this – the American people know we can’t borrow and spend and bail our way back to a growing economy.” – Mike Pence
10.”You know, Hoosiers recognize pork when we see it. And they recognize what bailing out every failing business in America means – We’re burying generations under a mountain range of debt.” – Mike Pence
11.”President Trump is bringing a very candid – and direct type of leadership to the White House. And in conversations with leaders around the world, frankly, I think they all find it very refreshing.” – Mike Pence
12.”We want a different type of leadership. We want a different direction for this country. And that’s why I truly do believe that Donald Trump will be the president of the United States.” – Mike Pence
13.”The government competes in the private sector the way an alligator competes with a duck.” – Mike Pence
14.”The conservative movement today is like that tall ship with its proud captain: strong, accomplished but veering off course into the dangerous and uncharted waters of big government republicanism.” – Mike Pence
15.”When people take greater ownership of their own health care and are encouraged to do that in a health plan, their health gets better. They pursue more wellness opportunities.” – Mike Pence
16.”Well, everything I am, everything I’ll ever be, I owe to my family, to God’s grace, and to the people of Indiana, and Columbus will always be home.” – Mike Pence
17.”We’ve weakened America’s place in the world. It’s been a combination of factors, but mostly it’s been a lack of leadership.” – Mike Pence
18.”You bet every member of Congress who votes for this bill ought to read it, read it thoroughly, and understand that what we’re looking at here amounts to nothing more than a government takeover of our health care economy, paid for with nearly a trillion dollars in new taxes on individuals and small businesses. And it must be opposed.” – Mike Pence
19.”People in both parties are restless for change, ready to break free of old patterns in Washington. And Democrats are about to anoint someone who represents everything this country is tired of.” – Mike Pence
20.”Ronald Reagan said a nation without borders is not a nation. Donald Trump is committed to restoring the borders of America.” – Mike Pence
21.”Well, I think the reality is that as you study – when President Kennedy cut marginal tax rates, when Ronald Reagan cut marginal tax rates when President Bush imposed those tax cuts, they actually generated economic growth. They expanded the economy. They expand tax revenues.” – Mike Pence

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Mike Pence Quotes from Speech
22.”You either choose to view America as the shining city on the hill that inspires the best in all mankind, or you don’t.” – Mike Pence
23.”When Donald Trump does his talking, he – he doesn’t tiptoe around the thousand new rules of political correctness.” – Mike Pence
24.”President Trump is going to keep the promises he made to the American people through decisive executive action and through legislation.” – Mike Pence
25.”People need to understand; we can come together as a nation. We can create a culture of life. More and more young people today are embracing life because we know we are – we’re better for it.” – Mike Pence
26.”The true legacy of 9-11 cannot be found among political leaders of the day but in the citizen soldiers and public safety personnel who answered that day with courage and selflessness.” – Mike Pence
27.”Ronald Reagan said a nation without borders is not a nation. Donald Trump is committed to restoring the borders of this nation and securing our nation, enforcing our laws.” – Mike Pence
28.”The American people want change, and they see in Donald Trump a leader who embodies the American spirit.” – Mike Pence
29.”Our founders insisted that protecting the states’ power to govern themselves was vital to limit the power of Washington and preserve freedom.” – Mike Pence
30.”The reality is the cap-and-trade legislation offered by the Democrats amounts to an economic declaration of war on the Midwest by liberals on Capitol Hill.” – Mike Pence
31.”The American people aren’t focused on the debates of the past. They’re focused on their future. They’re focused on the challenges that we’re facing at home and abroad.” – Mike Pence
32.”Power is an instrument of fatal consequence. It is confined no more readily than quicksilver and escapes good intentions as easily as air flows through mesh.” – Mike Pence
33.”No path to citizenship. People that want to gain legal status, you heard Donald Trump say, again and again, will have to leave the country.” – Mike Pence

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Mike Pence speech
34.”The anguish in London is a vivid reminder of why we cannot relent in taking the steps necessary to defend our homeland from the present terrorist threat.” – Mike Pence
35.”The Patriot Act is essential to our continued success in the war on terror here at home.” – Mike Pence
36.”People need to understand, we can come together as a nation; we can create a culture of life.” – Mike Pence
37.”The entire world has one goal, and that is the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula; we want to achieve that peaceably, but all options are on the table.” – Mike Pence
38.”The fact that I’d gone through my own transition as governor of Indiana and had been informed by that experience, I think was an asset.” – Mike Pence
39.”The best place to grow jobs and create opportunities is right here, in the United States.” – Mike Pence
40.”As a conservative who believes in limited government, I believe the only check on government power in real-time is a free and independent press. A free press ensures the flow of information to the public, and let me say, during a time when the role of government in our lives and in our enterprises seems to grow every day–both at home and abroad–ensuring the vitality of a free and independent press is more important than ever.” – Mike Pence

Former Vice President Mike Pence on January 6th and the U.S. Constitution

Former Vice President Mike Pence: “The presidency belongs to the American people, and the American people alone, and I will always be proud that we did our part on that tragic day to reconvene the Congress and fulfilled our duty under the Constitution…there’s more at stake than our party and our political fortunes in this moment. If we lose faith in the Constitution, we won’t just lose elections. We will lose our country. So now more than ever, America needs the Republican Party to be the party of the Constitution.”

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Summary of Mike Pence’s Quotes

Mike Pence quotes are a true politician’s views on democracy, taxes, healthcare, and the improvement of America for future generations. If you are a Republican, these quotes can prove inspiring in many ways. If not, you can read them to understand the perspective of someone who holds different views from yours. Either way, these quotes are great to learn a thing or two about politics!

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Image Credits

Mike Pence” by Gage Skidmore is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.

VP Mike Pence meets President Reuven Rivlin” by U.S. Embassy Jerusalem is marked with CC BY 2.0.

Office of Bradley Byrne, United States Congress, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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