The 16 Best Kimbo Slice Quotes

Kimbo Slice was a Bahamian mixed martial artist who became famous for combat street fights. He became infamous at the beginning of the internet’s popularity for these street fighting videos that went viral. In fact, Rolling Stone magazine called him “The King of Web Brawlers.” And Kimbo also did other martial arts and wresting too.

Kimbo’s real name was Kevin Ferguson and he passed away at the age of 42, in June of 2016. After he become famous for the underground fights, he signed a professional contract with EliteXC in 2007. Kimbo went on to complete in the TV show The Ultimate Fighter: Heavyweights but los in his first fight to Roy Nelson, who went on to win the series.

Kimbo Slice Quotes

  1. I had to fight with myself not to hurt people, some serious mental wars. –Kimbo Slice
  2. I changed in a lot of ways, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. — Kimbo Slice
  3. I gots to make the dough to support myself and my disabled moms. God bless her soul. I live to bleed for that woman. I want to go as far as my power will take me. –Kimbo Slice
  4. Streetfighting is just get out there and bang. It’s whatever in a street fight. This is different. You have to be real smart in your decisions at this professional level of the game. In a street fight, it doesn’t even matter.  –Kimbo Slice
  5. I’ve lost my share in the pen. I don’t keep track, but I’ve won much more than I’ve lost. Since I was released almost one year ago, I’ve gone 9-1. My only loss was to a punk that brought mace to the dance. — Kimbo Slice
  6. I’ve got a powerful left hook and a lot of intensity. The intensity comes from the anger within. — Kimbo Slice
  7. I’ll fight you, and I’ll have respect at the end. If you win, I have respect; if I win, I expect respect, Ray Mercer, man, I don’t want to mention this guy’s name anymore. He gets no respect from me. He was not professional, and he showed poor sportsmanship. –Kimbo Slice
  8. I’ve got to be a guide to my kids. Nobody else is going to do it.  –Kimbo Slice
  9. A bird can fly as high as it wants but it eventually has to come down to earth and get some water… and when it comes down to get that water that’s when you strike. — Kimbo Slice
  10. “The only thing I want to do is win, but the main thing is I want to break something along the way – a chin or jaw, rib, arm, some skin, anything. — Kimbo Slice
  11. “If this turns out to be just a fist-fight, then I am looking forward to it. If it goes on the ground, then I will be definitely looking forward to it. — Kimbo Slice
  12. “I feel great. I haven’t weighed myself in a couple of days but I think I am around 235. I feel calm. I won’t get truly excited until before the fight. — Kimbo Slice
  13. “My beard is not a fashion; it is all about me and what I am. I haven’t trimmed or cut it in six years. — Kimbo Slice
  14. “For sure, though, someone is going down and maybe getting knocked out, and that someone is not going to be me.” — Kimbo Slice
  15. With these hands I can part the sea. With these hands I feed the family.” — Kimbo Slice
  16. “I ain’t Cabbage, I’m Kimbo.” — Kimbo Slice
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Video – Kimbo Slice Destroys 2 guys

This is a crazy video – if you like Kimbo, you will really enjoy this one!

Related: Mike Tyson’s Craziest Quotes!


We hope you enjoyed these quotes from Kimbo. He was quite a character and his legend lives on long after his passing. If you want to learn more about Kimbo’s death, be sure to watch this video

Also see the fiercest quotes from warriors

Image Credit: “Kimbo Slice” by San Diego Shooter is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

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