Max Lucado is an American author and pastor at Oak Hills Church, born on 11th January 1955. He attended Abilene Christian University and attained an undergraduate degree in Mass Communication. Initially, Max wanted to be a lawyer, but a mandatory Bible course at the university and a mission trip were what made him change his mind and decided to become a missionary.
This required him to have a graduate degree in Bible and Biblical studies with at least two years of experience ministering to a church. He graduated from Abilene Christian University with a Masters’ Degree in Biblical Studies.
Max Lucado has published over 100 books with over 80 million copies. He has been appreciated with the highly revered Gold Medallion Christian Book of the Year for his books Just like Jesus, In Grip of Grace, and When God Whispers Your Name.
In 2005, the Readers Digest named Max the “Best Preacher of America.” Lucado’s message is that God meets our daily needs daily and He will give us what is needed whenever it is needed. This is a collection of his quotes and sayings from his lecturers and writings. His quotes address Christianity, Church, Jesus Christ Love, and affection, belief, humanity, honesty trust, suffering, and much more.
Max Lucado Quotes
1. “You weren’t an accident. You weren’t mass produced. You aren’t an assembly-line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on the earth by the Master Craftsman.”– Max Lucado
2. “The key is this: Meet today’s problems with today’s strength. Don’t start tackling tomorrow’s problems until tomorrow. You do not have tomorrow’s strength yet. You simply have enough for today.”– Max Lucado
3. “Let God have you, and let God love you – and don’t be surprised if your heart begins to hear music you’ve never heard and your feet learn to dance as never before.”– Max Lucado
4. “I choose gentleness… Nothing is won by force. I choose to be gentle. If I raise my voice may it be only in praise. If I clench my fist, may it be only in prayer. If I make a demand, may it be only of myself.”– Max Lucado
5. “No person [should] walk out into the world to begin the day until he or she has stood beneath the cross to receive God’s love.”– Max Lucado
6. “A book should be a garden that fits in the hands. Word-petals of color. Stems of strength. roots of truth. Turn a page and turn the seasons. Read the sentence and enjoy the roses.”– Max Lucado
7. “You need someone to lift your spirits. You need someone to look you in the face and say, “This isn’t the end. Don’t give up. There is a better place than this. And I’ll lead you there.”– Max Lucado
8. “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. To these I commit my day.”– Max Lucado
9.” God is God. He knows what he is doing. When you can’t trace his hand, trust his heart.”– Max Lucado
10. “If today were your last, would you do what you’re doing? Or would you love more, give more, forgive more? Then do so! Forgive and give as if it were your last opportunity. Love like there’s no tomorrow, and if tomorrow comes, love again.”– Max Lucado
11. “Humility has such power. Apologies can disarm arguments. Contrition can defuse rage. Olive branches do more good than battle axes ever will.”– Max Lucado
12. “You’ll never know Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have. Are you in the wilderness? Find refuge in God’s presence. Find comfort in his people.”– Max Lucado
13. “God never promises to remove us from our struggles. He does promise, however, to change the way we look at them.”– Max Lucado
14. ”Mark it down: God loves you with an unearthly love. You can’t win it by being winsome. You can’t lose it by being a loser. But you can be blind enough to resist it.”– Max Lucado
15. “Answer this: A thousand years from now, will it matter what title the world gave you? No, but it will make a literal hell of a difference whose child you are.”– Max Lucado
Enlightening Baptism Quotes for Christians
16. “Every movie really does have a message. Somebody somewhere is trying to make a point or advance a cause or promote their agenda. There’s nothing wrong with that. They try to do so in an entertaining fashion.”– Max Lucado
17. “All of my sermons become books. I’ve been accused of having no unpublished thought. I encourage pastors to do that. I think there are so many great sermons that never really get circulation.”– Max Lucado
18. “When we’re in the middle of a difficult time, we have to speak against that lie that says, “God is not here.” We have to draw near to God.”– Max Lucado
19. “Gratitude develops faith. The surest path out of a slump is marked by the road sign “thank you, God.”– Max Lucado
20. “Your goal is not to know every detail of the future. Your goal is to hold the hand of the One who does and never, ever let go.”– Max Lucado
21.” Be patient. God is using today’s difficulties to strengthen you for tomorrow. He is equipping you. The God who makes things grow will help you bear fruit.”– Max Lucado
22. “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek his grace. And then, when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest.”– Max Lucado
23. “The Bible is the story of two gardens. Eden and Gethsemane. In the first, Adam took a fall. In the second, Jesus took a stand.”– Max Lucado
24. “God is able to accomplish, provide, help, save, keep, subdue… He is able to do what you can’t. He already has a plan. God’s not bewildered. Go to Him.”– Max Lucado
25. “Two types of voices command your attention today. Negative ones fill your mind with doubt, bitterness, and fear. Positive ones purvey hope and strength. Which one will you choose to heed?”– Max Lucado
26. “Prayer is the window that God has placed in the walls of our world. Leave it shut and the world is a cold, dark house. But throw back the curtains and see His light. Open the window and hear His voice. Open the window of prayer and invoke the presence of God in your world.”– Max Lucado
27. “The purpose of the Bible? Salvation. God’s highest passion is to get His children home. His book, the Bible, describes His plan of salvation. The purpose of the Bible is to proclaim god’s plan and passion to save His children.”– Max Lucado
28. “If anybody understands God’s order for his children, it’s someone who has rescued an orphan from despair, for that is what God has done for us. God has adopted you. God sought you, found you, signed the papers and took you home.”– Max Lucado
29. “The past does not have to be your prison. You have a voice in your destiny. You have a say in your life. You have a choice in the path you take.”– Max Lucado
30. “Worry is to joy what a Hoover vacuum cleaner is to dirt: might as well attach your heart to a happiness-sucker and flip the switch.”– Max Lucado
31. “God does not exist to make a big deal out of us. We exist to make a big deal out of him. It’s not about you. It’s not about me. It’s all about him.”– Max Lucado
32. “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. (Isa. 43:2).”– Max Lucado
33. “You may not be down to your final heartbeat, but you may be down to your last paycheck, solution, or thimble of faith. Each sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear.”– Max Lucado
34. “Identity: smack-dab in the middle…Neither omnipotent nor impotent. Neither God’s MVP nor God’s mistake.”– Max Lucado
35. “Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.”– Max Lucado
36. “What Christ does in us and through us will always be ‘exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think.”– Max Lucado
37. “To accept grace is to admit failure, a step we are hesitant to take. We opt to impress God with how good we are rather than confessing how great he is.”– Max Lucado
38. “The difference between mercy and grace? Mercy gave the prodigal son a second chance. Grace gave him a feast.”– Max Lucado
39. “Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free and realising you were the prisoner!”– Max Lucado
40. “The church is never a place to show off. Do your good deeds quietly. Serve; don’t seek to be seen.”– Max Lucado
41. “What the new mate, sports car, or unexpected check could never do, Christ says, “I Can.” You’ll love how he achieves it. He reconnects your soul with God.”– Max Lucado
42.” If pride is what goes before a fall, the shame is what keeps you from getting up after one.”– Max Lucado
43. “Heaven does not know you as the fellow with the nice suit or the woman with the big house or the kid with the new bike. Heaven knows your heart.”– Max Lucado
44. “At the beginning of every act of faith, there is often a seed of fear.”– Max Lucado
45. “Need unchanging truth to trust? Try God’s. His truth never wavers.”– Max Lucado
46. “Love like there’s no tomorrow, and if tomorrow comes, love again.”– Max Lucado
47. “The next time you are called to suffer, pay attention. It may be the closest you’ll ever get to God.”– Max Lucado
48. “Da Vinci painted one Mona Lisa. Beethoven composed one Fifth Symphony. And God made one version of you.”– Max Lucado
49. “The great promise of Scripture is that every day is a day that’s worth rejoicing in.”– Max Lucado
50. “Forgiveness doesn’t diminish justice; it just entrusts it to God. He guarantees the right retribution.”– Max Lucado
Video: Christ’s Cure for Anxiety
Are you feeling anxious and worried by life’s many challenges? In this episode, Max encourages us that God’s presence cures our destructive anxiety.
If you’d like to dive deeper into this message, check out Max’s book You Are Never Alone
Max Lucado is one of the greatest preachers of the modern era and has inspired many Christians with his belief that the Bible is infallible. Lucado is known for combining homespun humor and poetic storytelling with the heart of an evangelist and a pastor.
All his trade books started as a sermon series at his church- Oak Hills church. His sermons begin by asking himself, “What can I say on Sunday that will still matter on Monday?” His preachings have helped people take a step closer to God. The above quotes by Max Lucado will satisfy your spiritual thirst and help you start a new life with Jesus Christ.
Finally, check out our amazing collection of quotes to appreciate your pastor!
I’m Alice Judy and AnQuotes is a fun hobby for me. We know that everyone loves a great quote and our mission here is simple – to be the best and most interesting quote site in the world! If you have quotes you would like us to cover, please contact us.