Enlightening Baptism Quotes That Will Reawaken Your Faith

Baptism is a Christian ritual that involves immersing oneself in a pool of water. This act represents and symbolizes purification and commencement of one’s journey as a Christian and their admission to the Christian church. In Christian theology, baptism is a rebirth, as it washes away sins and purifies the soul.

In short, a baptism gives a person “a new life” which is a life that is meant to be spent in the way of loyalty and services to Jesus Christ. To help you learn more about baptism and enlighten yourself with profound knowledge, read the baptism quotes below by notable figures.

Here Are Some of the Most Illuminating Baptism Quotes

1. “Baptism is the initial step of a faithful heart.” – Max Lucado.
2. “When we were baptized, we took upon us not only the name of Christ but also the law of obedience.” – Robert D. Hales.
3. “Nothing puts life into men like a dying Savior. A man who knows that he is saved by believing in Christ does not when he is baptized, lift his baptism into a saving ordinance. In fact, he is the very best protester against that mistake because he holds that he has no right to be baptized until he is saved.” – Charles Spurgeon.
4. “God’s Spirit is like a ‘living spring.’ It gives life to our journey, heals us, brings love and meaning, turns us to Jesus, a source of goodness.” – Phil Mitchell.
5. “It would be my joy to baptize you today at our Lake Forest campus of Saddleback Church. Last night I spent 4 hours in our baptism pool baptizing 213 people. Today I start at 9 am. Come be baptized! I’ll be baptized as long as it takes.” – Pastor Rick Warren.

Washing of the head of a baby during a baptism
6. “At Baptism, I received grace — that quality that makes me share in the very nature of God.” – Mother Angelica.
7. “There are two sides to this baptism: The first is, you possess the Spirit; The second is that the Spirit possesses you.” – Smith Wigglesworth.
8. “Baptism is faith in action.” – Vernonman Nee.
9. “In order to live a life of holiness, we must first receive new life from God — we must be born from above.” – J. Vernon McGee.
10. “God brings men into deep waters not to drown them, but to cleanse them.” – John H. Aughey.
11. “He who believes and is baptized will be saved.” – Watchman Nee.
12. “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it.” – Proverbs 22:6.
13. “Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility.” – Kate Douglas Wiggins.
14. “They was still splashin’ around and callin’ my name when I popped up downriver like a bobber on a fishin’ line, a few shades paler and fulla the Holy Ghost!” ― Ron Hall.
15. “The Church does not dispense the sacrament of baptism in order to acquire for herself an increase in membership but in order to consecrate a human being to God and to communicate to that person the divine gift of birth from God.” ― Hans Urs von Balthasar.
16. “Let the little children come unto Me, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” – Luke 18:16.
17. “Whoever welcomes a child in My name, welcomes Me.” – Luke 9:46-48.
18.“It would be unjust toward children to introduce them to Christian teaching and existence only as little pagans and catechumens, in order to leave it up to them to choose the Faith on their own responsibility at a point in time difficult to determine.” ― Hans Urs von Balthasar.
19. “We ought to regard the sacrament of baptism with reverence. An ordinance of which the Lord Jesus Himself partook is not to be lightly esteemed. An ordinance to which the great Head of the Church submitted ought to be ever honorable in the eyes of professing Christians.” – J.C. Ryle.
20. “You must be born again.” – John 3:7.
21. “Jesus answered, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” – John 3:5.
22. “When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.” – Proverbs 31:26.
23. “For in one spirit we were all baptized into one body — Jews or Greeks, slaves or free — and all were made to drink of one spirit.” – 1 Corinthians 12:13.

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A baby getting baptized by a priest
24. “For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” – Galatians 3:26-28.
25. “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11.
26. “Peter replied, ‘Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” – Acts 2:38.
27. “I have held thee in the palm of mine hand.”- Isaiah 51:16.
28. “Children are a gift from the Lord, a child is a reward from Him.” – Psalm 127:3.
29. “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” – James 1:17.
30. “You are the One who put me together inside my mother’s body, and I praise You because of the wonderful way You created me. Everything You do is marvelous! Of this, I have no doubt.” – Psalm 139:13.
31. “Jesus made saving repentance possible, and He made baptism meaningful.” – John H. Groberg
32. “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched; they are felt with the heart.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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A pastor baptizing an adult man
33. “We are called to live our baptism every day, as new creatures, clothed in Christ.” – Pope Francis
34. “Your baptism is a step of obedience, a leap of faith and the beginning of a walk with the Lord that will last forever.” – Unknown
35. “Baptism is bowing before the Father and letting Him do his work.” – Max Lucado
36. “We are members of God’s family. One faith, one hope, and one baptism.” — Lailah Gifty Akita
37. Baptism, then, is not what produces salvation. It ‘saves’ in that it reflects a heart decision: a pledge of loyalty to the risen Savior. In effect, baptism in New Testament theology is a loyalty oath, a public avowal of who is on the Lord’s side in the cosmic war between good and evil. Early baptismal formulas included a renunciation of Satan and his angels for this very reason. Baptism was – and still is – spiritual warfare.” — Michael S. Heiser
38. “What!’ you say, ‘will not all the sufferings of Israel through all these centuries suffice? Is there a yet future baptism of fire, through which they must pass?’ Yes, this is clear.” — Dalton Lifsey
39. “And when we come to refute them, we shall show in its fitting place that this class of men [i.e., the Gnostics] has been instigated by Satan to a denial of that baptism which is regeneration to God, and thus to a denial of the whole faith [by denying all physical aspects of spirituality, including the incarnation and bodily resurrection of Jesus].” — Irenaeus Of Lyons

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What Is Baptism?

Aspley Christ Church, Nottingham, practices adult baptisms by total immersion. The pastor, Martin, explains what baptism is and why we do this as we see four people getting baptized.


Baptism holds a lot of importance and significance in Christianity. When one undergoes baptism, they renounce service to sin and give their service and loyalty to Jesus Christ.

Baptism is often performed on young children, along with the name-giving ceremony that officially names the child in front of loved ones. New converts also get baptized as they need to be admitted into the church and renounce their old life of sins for a fulfilling life with the guidance of Jesus Christ.

Many Christians also deem it the outward act of accepting Jesus Christ. It allows people around you to understand that you are a follower of Jesus Christ and have publicly confessed your faith in Christianity and commitment to Jesus Christ.

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