You Are Enough Quotes

Feeling good about yourself can be hard. You may suffer from low self-esteem because of constantly being put down by others who may want to make you feel bad because they don’t have enough going on in their lives to feel good about themselves. They aren’t happy unless they see you unhappy. It could be an enemy who decides to bring you down because they don’t like you. It could also be a loved one who gets pleasure out of seeing you in pain. Their jealousy will blind them to all of your good qualities. They refuse to see that you are a good person. They suffer from low self-esteem and are trying to cover it up by saying that you are not enough.

Feeling like you aren’t worthy can have the potential of ruining your mental health. It could lead to depression and also to suicide. People have felt so unworthy of love that they no longer wanted to live. They have committed suicide or have murdered other people because they have been destroyed mentally and psychologically. Don’t listen to other people trying to bring you down by telling you that you aren’t good enough. You are the best you can be no matter what anyone else says about you.

You Are Enough Quotes

Here are some quotes to help you realize that you are enough.

1. “No matter what anyone says you are good enough. You are smart, beautiful and strong. Make an effort to believe it and not let your life be run by insecurity.” – by Unknown

2. “You have to tell yourself that you are strong. You have good values and you are a smart person no matter what anyone else says about you.” – by Unknown

3. “When you are thinking about things that are beautiful, don’t forget how beautiful you are.” – by Unknown

4. “You are beautiful inside and out and don’t let anyone tell you differently.” – by Unknown

5. “Don’t hurt yourself because you are human and not a piece of paper. Don’t hide your beauty behind a mask. Don’t let people tell you that your size is too big or too small. Your life isn’t fictional so don’t let it come to an end. People with small minds will judge you regardless of what you do or how you look.” – by Unknown

6. “Try to put on a happy face even when life gives you a reason not to do it.” – by Unknown

7. “Everything in life is beautiful, but there are people who are too blind to see it.” – by Confucius

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8. “The person you needed has been looking at you all along.” – by Joe Dispenza

9. “If you believe in yourself, you’ve accomplished something. If you can achieve this, there’s nothing in the world you can’t do.” – by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

10. “Don’t try to be like everyone else. Don’t downplay the good in you. Don’t try to make sense out of negativity. Don’t change who you are based on other people’s opinions. Follow your heart endlessly.” – by Franz Kafka

11. “If you want things to change, you have to do it. Don’t rely on anyone else to do it for you.” – by Norman Vincent Peale

12. “If you’re feeling down and defeated and you are reading this, it is a magic trick. You are a valuable person and you have a great future ahead of you.” – by Tom Althouse

13. “ Try to avoid people who don’t see how great you are.” – by Edmund Mbiaka

14. “You are a great person. You have amazing talents that the world needs to see. Everything about you is worthy and valuable.” – by Rachel Hamilton

15. “You should have to work at being amazing. It shouldn’t be so easy to accomplish. You won’t value things if they are handed to you. When it’s a challenge, you will do everything you can to make sure you don’t lose it.” – by Sarah Dessen

16. “Strive for the best so no one can take that away from you. Soar to amazing heights so that I have to struggle to see you.” – by Michael Bassey Johnson

17. “I’m not telling you anything new about yourself. It’s only new if you don’t realize how great of a person you are. If you don’t know, I will let you know.” – by Scott Stabile

18. “Everyone can be considered royalty. They just don’t need to wear the crown on their heads to prove that they are royalty.” – by Genereux Philip

19. “It’s your destiny to be fabulous.” – by Kris Vallotton

20. “Focus on your life and don’t worry about what other people think about you. Do what pleases you.” – by Johnny Depp

21. “Consider your life a portrait and you are the artist painting the picture. There are a lot of way to be a good and amazing person.” – by Kerli

22. “When you believe in yourself life can be great. When life is great you will accomplish many things.” – by Joe Namath

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23. “Be grateful for what you have. You are a unique person and no one else is like you.” – by Richard Simmons

24. “Try not to forget yourself when you are thinking about other people. Realize the talents you have and let them stand out. Everyone is perfect in their own way.” – by Jennie Finch

25. “You need to be brave in life. You can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it. You don’t have to accomplish something big to feel rewarded. You can make a difference in the lives of the people closest to you.” – by Joy Mangano

26. “Be someone who’s amazing and not someone who’s depressing.” – by Anthony Liccione

27. “It’s amazing what you can do once you start believing in the gifts God has given you.” – by Victoria Osteen

28. “If we were able to accomplish everything we are able to do, we would shock ourselves.” – by Thomas Edison

29. “Skill may help you rise to the top, but your attitude towards others will determine if you stay there.” – by John Wooden

30. “No one can take away the belief you have within yourself.” – by Maya Angelou

31. “The fastest way to lose your strength is when you think you don’t have any strength.” – by Alice Walker

32. “It takes so little to join others, but it takes strength to stand by yourself.” – by Hans F. Hansen

33. “We all have a lot of fears in life. Our biggest fear isn’t the fact that we aren’t enough. It is that we are too much. We are more scared at being successful than being a failure. We ask ourselves are we worthy enough of being beautiful and talented. It’s everyone’s right to be beautiful. Having no faith in yourself doesn’t solve anything. There is nothing strong about letting others outshine you in life. We are all determined to do well and should be able to accomplish that goal. When we choose to succeed it lets other people know they can succeed too. When we let go of our fear other people will do the same.” – by Marianne Williamson

34. “You are special and you are loved. You weren’t an accident. You are not an obstacle that needs to be overcome. You won’t realize this until you stop beating yourself up and doing everything you can to bring yourself down.” – by Geneen Roth

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35. “Avoid negative people who don’t realize how wonderful you are.” – by Jo Blackwell-Preston

36. “It’s hard to see who you really are until you see yourself through someone else’s eyes.” – by Ellen DeGeneres

37. “You are the one who makes people think they can put you down.” – by Eleanor Roosevelt


No matter what anyone else says, you are enough. You are special and deserve to be happy and loved. People are mean for a variety of reasons and don’t care how they treat you. You need to understand that it’s their problem and it’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. They have emotional issues and seem to take it out on you or others.

The best way to combat people telling you that you aren’t good enough is by believing that you are. It is easy to say, but with practice you can do it. You can tell yourself that you are enough. You are special and deserved to feel special. You can make it a daily affirmation to yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you are good enough.

You should also hang around people who make you feel as if you are enough. It will become easier to believe that you are enough when more people let you know that you are. It’s just as easy to listen to people telling you that you are enough as it is to listen to people telling you that you are not enough. This type of change will take some work on your part. You will have to try your best to change your belief that you are not enough. It won’t happen overnight, but you can change the way you feel about yourself. The moment you realize you are good enough will be a great moment for you. These quotes are designed to help you realize that you are enough despite what people tell you.

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