The 30 Most Delicious Quotes about Ice Cream

Why does everyone love ice cream? There are many reasons. First, there are an endless number of flavors. New flavors come out every year so there are always new options to try. Some people are old fashioned and prefer chocolate or vanilla or plain flavors. Others prefer fruity flavors. And lately there are even savory flavors that are very unusual.

Second, ice cream is good year round. Of course its always great in summer but most of us enjoy it year round. Third, its portable so you can walk around with it. Honestly, who walks around eating a piece of cake? No one. But we all walk around eating ice cream.

Ice cream is honestly our favorite all time dessert. It never fails to make everyone happy and smile. Seriously, have you ever seen a kid eating ice cream that was not happy? Eating ice cream makes us all feel like kids again. And its guaranteed to make you smile.

Ice Cream Quotes

A reader asked us if we planned to put together an article about ice cream and we loved the ideas. So after weeks of scouring the internet, we present you with our favorite quotes about ice cream. And don’t blame us if you find yourself buying some ice cream later today…enjoy!

1. “One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” — Luciano Pavarotti.

2. “Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos.” — Don Kardong.

3. “I guess ice cream is one of those things that are beyond imagination.” — L.M. Montgomery

4. “Sometimes, all you need is love… Oh wait! And ice cream, and chocolate to go along with it as nowadays love is anything but sweet.” — Megha Khare

5. “Ice cream is the perfect buffer, because you can do things in a somewhat lighthearted way. Plus, people have an emotional response to ice cream; it’s more than just food. So I think when you combine caring, and eating wonderful food, it’s a very powerful combination,” Jerry Greenfield.

6. “I doubt whether the world holds for anyone a more soul-stirring surprise than the first adventure with ice cream,” Heywood Broun.

7. “Number of empty Ben & Jerry’s containers: 3 — two mint chocolate cookie, one plain vanilla. (Who buys plain vanilla ice cream from Ben & Jerry’s, anyway? Is there a greater waste?)” Sarah Addison Allen, the Sugar Queen.

8. “Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no one’s ever eaten before? Like chicken and telepone ice cream? Green mouse ice cream was the worst. I didn’t like that at all.” Neil Gaiman

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9. “This one is called “Chunky Munky.”‘ Nadia stopped with the spoon halfway to her mouth. ‘But isn´t a monkey a small chattering Earth creature that lives in trees?’ she asked faintly. ‘Are … are you telling me I´m eating chunks of its flesh?’

‘Ugh.’ Sophia shivered. ‘What a thought! The poor monkeys!’

Nadia felt ill. ‘Is that why this stuff is called ‘I Scream?’ Because the animal screams when they make it into dessert?” Evangeline Anderson.

10. “She put a spoonful of mint chocolate chip in her mouth. […]

“Let me try it.”

She held her bowl toward him, but he didn’t put his spoon in it. He trailed his fingers over her jaw as he tipped her head back and sealed his lips over hers. His tongue speared into her mouth, and the salt of him mixed with the flavor of the ice cream. She didn’t know if she was mortified, shocked, aroused or all three.”― Helen Hoang, The Kiss Quotient

11. “Abby wouldn’t want you to suffer because of some jerk that kidnapped her. She would want you to go on your trip so that she would have fun torturing you for not being a puddle on the ground with a box of tissues and an empty gallon of ice cream by your side. Then afterwards to hit you for thinking she was seriously hoping you would be doing that.” ― Ottilie Weber, Family Ties

12. “There was still a line, but a bit of waiting was a good thing; you need time to choose between pink grapefruit and raspberry sorbet or cinnamon and honey nougat ice cream. They serve golf ball-sized scoops, so you have to be a real purist to walk away with just one boule. Courtney and I both got doubles- pear and cacao amer (bitter chocolate) for her, peach and rhubarb for me.”― Elizabeth Bard, Lunch in Paris.

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13. “When everyone has let you down… You still have ice cream,” Keegan Allen.

14. “Life is like an ice-cream cone; you have to lick it one day at a time.” Charles M. Schulz.

15. “When I was a kid, I used to think, ‘Man, if I could ever afford all the ice cream I want to eat, that’s as rich as I ever want to be.” — Jimmy Dean

16. “I can’t believe it was Dan. Gossip Girl. We watched the entire series to find out it’s Dan.” — Pierre Cadault

17. “We stand around the tray. Just staring at it. Forever in awe. The chicken fried steak will be just as she remembered it. The biscuits will flake just like they used to. The pecan pie will be sweet and will take her back to those times she sat at the tables just outside the shack on a summer’s day. And for once, she’ll have fresh strawberry ice cream to go with it.”― Liza Palmer, Nowhere But Home.

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18. “The cucumber-mint sorbet came out next, more an intermezzo than a full course. Then dessert: Melody’s elegant pistachio financiers. Rachel had topped the tiny French almond cakes with homemade orange blossom ice cream and garnished it with candied citrus peel and chopped pistachios.” ― Carla Laureano.

19. “Of course, that rationalization didn’t work at all. It would have helped if I’d had some Oreo cookie ice cream to eat that the same time. I’ve learned that self-delusion is much easier when there’s something sweet in your mouth.”― Lee Goldberg, Mr. Monk

20. “Personally, I like to mix and match–I prefer to get a couple of milk shakes, a banana split … a sundae or two. Then I top it off with a mocha chip in a cone. I don’t know why. I guess that’s like the dinner mint at the end of a meal to me. Know what I mean?”

Mary had to turn around again. Bitty was looking forward, her brows super-high, her little face the picture of surprise.

“He’s not kidding,” Mary murmured. “Even if you’re not into the ice cream, watching him eat all that is something to see.”- J.R Ward.

21. “If your arteries are good, eat more ice cream. If they are bad, drink more red wine. Proceed thusly.”― Sandra Byrd, Bon Appetit.

22. “The existence of birthday cake ice cream suggests that we can no longer distinguish celebration foods from everyday ones. We are also not too sure whether we are children or adults.” ― Bee Wilson

23. “But no name has ever equaled the odd name of Triplebippleabbledabblekadupledop Smith…”― Anthony Trendl, Mr. Smith and His Delicious Ice Cream: A Bluster County Tale

24. “Every two months, I allow myself a splurge day where I eat thick, doughy pizza from Pizzeria Uno or an ice cream sundae from my store with birthday-cake ice cream, Marshmallow Fluff, and toppings mixed in.” Dylan Lauren

25. “That was the best ice-cream soda I ever tasted.” Lou Costello.

26. “If Abstract Expression reached for the sublime, Pop turned ordinary imagery into icons. Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol illuminated the transformative power of context and the process of reproduction. Claes Oldenburg’s soft ice-cream cones and hamburgers changed sculpture from hard to soft, from stasis to transformation.” Arne Glimcher.

27. “Ice cream soothes the soul.” ― Adrienne Posey

28. “She pointed at Eva’s sundae. “At least try it. Wilson’s has the best. You can’t say you’ve been to Door County unless you’ve had their ice cream.”

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Eva scraped off a bite of whipped cream and ate it. She paused to enjoy the sweetened topping. It had been a long time since she’d had ice cream. She took a bigger spoonful, one that had butterscotch and marshmallow on it. Bliss.”- Army E. Reichert.

29. “Inej cleared her throat. “You do look a bit …”

“Enchanting,” said Matthias.

Nina was about to snap that she didn’t appreciate the sarcasm when she saw the expression on his face. He looked like someone had just given him a tuba full of puppies.

“You could be a maiden on the first day of Roennigsdjel.”

“What is Roennigsdjel?” asked Kuwei.

“Some festival,” replied Nina. “I can’t remember. But I’m pretty sure it involves eating a lot of elk. Let’s go, you big goon—and I’m supposed to be your sister, stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like I’m made of ice cream.”

“I don’t care for ice cream.”

“Matthias,” Nina said, “I’m not sure we can continue to spend time together.” But she couldn’t quite keep the satisfaction from her voice. Apparently she was going to have to stock up on ugly knitwear.”― Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom.

30. “…stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot oftener, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more and cry less. Life must be lived as we go along.” Robert J. Hastings, Tinyburg Tales.

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Ice Cream Video – How Ice Cream Sandwiches are Made

Ah, this is a really cool video and we learned a few things. Did you know that 87% of people have ice cream in their freezer most of the time. Watch this video to learn how ice cream sandwiches are made.

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Summary of Ice Cream Quotes

Ice cream is one of the most popular desserts in the world. Anyone that has been to an ice cream shop can tell you that it is nearly impossible to resist, especially on a warm day.

We have a strong suspicion that if you read through these quotes you might already be eating some ice cream right now.


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