The 50 Most Insightful Mary Engelbreit Quotes

A famous German-American composer of the arts acquired her name from her maternal grandmother, Mary. As a young girl, Mary Engelbreit enjoyed drawing pictures And had her own art studio in the linen closet of her home. Oftentimes she would reminisce about The days of old And wearing her Sunday best for Easter services at The local church.

In 1982, she founded The Mary Engelbreit Co., selling and distributing popular greeting cards throughout the world. With the increased demand for her licensed works of art, Mary launched a special line titled “Engeldark” greeting cards. She is also The St. Louis Walk of Fame recipient And inspiration behind these 50 Most Insightful Mary Engelbreit Quotes!

Mary Engelbreit Quotes

1. “Happiness must be grown in one’s own garden.” — Mary Engelbreit

2. “Don’t look back – you’re not going that way.” — Mary Engelbreit

3. “Heal The past, live The present, dream The future.” — Mary Engelbreit

4. “If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change The way you think about it.” — Mary Engelbreit

5. “If you can’t change it, change The way you think about it.” — Mary Engelbreit

6. “The golden opportunity you are seeking is within yourself.” — Mary Engelbreit

7. “Bloom Where You’re Planted” — Mary Engelbreit

8. “Learn from The rejection And turn it into an opportunity.” — Mary Engelbreit

9. “Open your heart – open it wide; someone is standing outside.” — Mary Engelbreit

10. “Walk towards The sunshine, and The shadows will fall behind you.” — Mary Engelbreit

11. “Look to The beauty of this day, miracles are all around you.” — Mary Engelbreit

12. “If you pray for rain, be prepared to deal with some mud.” — Mary Engelbreit

13. “If your ship hasn’t come in, swim out to it.” — Mary Engelbreit

14. “We should see dreaming as one of our responsibilities, rather than an alternative to one.” — Mary Engelbreit

15. “Time flies whether you are having fun or not.” — Mary Engelbreit

16. “Don’t ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is a special occasion.” — Mary Engelbreit

17. “Life’s too mysterious to take too serious.” — Mary Engelbreit

18. “There’s no better friend than a sister.” — Mary Engelbreit

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19. “One loses many laughs by not laughing at oneself. ” — Mary Engelbreit

20. “I like to draw late at night when The house is quiet.” — Mary Engelbreit

21. ““Life is too short to be safe and sit still and do nothing. Unless of course, that is what God has for you to do in a particular place in your life.” — Mary Engelbreit

22. “So many people come into our lives And then leave the way they came. But there are those precious few who touch our hearts so deeply we will never be The same.” — Mary Engelbreit

23. “My mother always read to me as a child. I Really believe that bonding time between a parent And child is so important And precious. I have lasting memories of those stories because The experience was special.” — Mary Engelbreit

24. “When you go through a process of #1 praying daily And staying in God’s word #2 obey Him in The small decisions every day #3 ask advice from a number of spiritual counselors then you can step out peacefully knowing that pleasing God is all that matters. America was built on this attitude.” — Mary Engelbreit

25. “A constant FRIEND is a thing rare And hard to find.” — Mary Engelbreit

26. “When I come across writing that Really moves me And inspires me, my reaction is twofold. I want to share it with others and I want to draw something that is worthy of it. I love finding Quotes that stop people that Really make them think. And I love The idea that my work, combined with meaningful words, can provide comfort or inspiration to someone.” — Mary Engelbreit

27. “Even When sisters are different… Their likeness comes shining through!” — Mary Engelbreit

28. “If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change The way you think about it.” — Mary Engelbreit

29. “Not what you do but how you do it, is The test of your capacity.” — Mary Engelbreit

30. “The only thing I know for sure about the Creative process is it always comes back, Magically. When there are no Creative Juices And nothing is coming to me – if I wait – comes!” — Mary Engelbreit

31. “A happy marriage has in it all The pleasures of friendship, all The enjoyments of sense And reason, And indeed, all The sweets of life.” — Mary Engelbreit

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32. “Part of my passion for all things Christmas is seeing my holiday stuff again every December. I suppose I do have more than most folks, so The reunion each winter keeps me in The holiday spirit for a full year. And there are always a few pieces out in my house whatever The month.” — Mary Engelbreit

33. “Everyday life inspires me, The situations that we all find ourselves in at one time or another.” — Mary Engelbreit

34. “if you don’t like something change it And if you cannot change it, change The way you think about it.” — Mary Engelbreit

35. “Endure, And keep yourself for days of happiness.” — Mary Engelbreit

36. “It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.” — Mary Engelbreit

37. “We don’t care how they do it in New York.” — Mary Engelbreit

38. “Wherever you go, there you are!” — Mary Engelbreit

39. “I have been Trying to get The hang of not being proud but instead turning that into thankfulness. Really whatever we have to be proud about, it is something given to us by The Lord.” — Mary Engelbreit

40. “Just being able to express myself And reach so many other people by doing so is Really great!” — Mary Engelbreit

41. “Life is too short to waste time changing The sheets every week. Especially When you have small children who tend to wait until you change The sheets to then wet The sheets.” — Mary Engelbreit

42. “Learn from The rejection And turn it into an opportunity!” — Mary Engelbreit

43. “Anything good that we do is because of God. Whenever we get our eyes off of him we crash And burn.” — Mary Engelbreit

44. “There are some people who want me And my husband to stay where it is safe And draw a paycheck every week instead of what we are doing (which is creating And sharing our art with others). The truth is that there are people in this world – Dave and I being two – who would die a slow painful death if stuck in an office And made to do The kind of work that we are not made to do.” — Mary Engelbreit

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45. “Babies! What a wonderful way to start people!” — Mary Engelbreit

46. “My mother always read to me as a child. I Really believe that bonding time between a parent And child is so important And precious. I have lasting memories of those stories because The experience was special.” — Mary Engelbreit

47. “Heal The Past, Live The Present, Dream The future.” — Mary Engelbreit

48. “A friend is what The heart needs all The time.” — Mary Engelbreit

49. “Endure, And keep yourself days of happiness.” — Mary Engelbreit

50. “The world would be a vastly better place if people saw their need for God And accepted Him as Savior And Lord. And then lived by His rule of Love being The most important thing. Can you imagine The world if everyone was motivated by love for others?” — Mary Engelbreit

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Mary Engelbreit Video – A Day in the Life

This is a great short video that takes you through a day in Mary’s life. If you love her quotes and ended up reading this page, we are sure you will enjoy this video.

She is always a positive inspiration to us!

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There you have it – the most empowering Mary Engelbreit Quotes for self-improvement.

Whether you’re seeking spiritual enlightenment or a positive energy boost to get you through the day, reflect back on Mary’s wise words.

Today Engelbreit resides in St. Louis, Missouri, where she shares her beautiful artwork from her office And online website. Where her loyal fans can get their daily dose of positivity.

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