99 Sweet Beautiful Quotes To Show Your Appreciation For Her!

For a man, his loved one/soul mate is his everything. One should treat his loved one with care and respect. In a relationship, compliment plays a significant role. Beauty is not that, which you were born, but the real beauty of character based on human values, and it is the strong belief for the lovers. Every woman is bound to bloom when she hears some beautiful quotes for her from the loved one.

And these quotes are great for anytime, in fact for no reason rather than just expressing your love on an anniversary or other special occasion. They’ll mean more if you just randomly tell her, and even write one on a note and hide it in her pocket for her to find later when you’re not around.

Beautiful Quotes For Her:

1.“In her smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars.”

2.“You will never know just how beautiful you are to me.”

3.“If I were blind, within my heart I could still see the beauty that is you.”

4.“Your eyes are so expressive and beautiful that I can’t help but get lost in them.”

5.“I want to be your favourite hello and your hardest goodbye.”

6.“All is right in this world with you in my arms. I will never let you go.”

7.“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My eyes even hold you!”

8.“I fell in love with you. Not for how you look, just for who you are.”

9.“When I tell you that you’re beautiful. I don’t just mean your appearance. I mean all of you; who and what are you is beautiful.”

10.“Take my hand, my heart, and my soul; because it is meant for you.”

11.“You are beautiful and nobody has the right to make you feel like you’re not.”

12.“You’re not an option! You’re my priority.”

13.“You’re beautiful in your own way.”

14.“Your beauty blinds me because it comes from your heart and it is reflected in your eyes.”

15.“I wonder how I couldn’t notice such a magnificent flower like you before.”

16.“You are beautiful, you made me believe that this world is worth living in.”

17.“Your beauty captures me, but what amazes me is that it is wonderfully combined with your amazing soul.”

18.“There is nobody more beautiful in this world that a woman in love, so there is nobody more beautiful than you.”

19.“Magic is when our eyes meet and we feel the spark between our hearts. You are wonderful.”

20.“Do you know which thing I like the most about you? That you are beautiful inside and out.”

21.“Even if I were blind, I could still see your beauty, because it is in your soul and it can be seen only with a heart.”

22.“When you go, you turn heads, I am so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend.”

23.“It’s a pity it’s impossible to hold a beauty contest among the angels because then you would have won.”

24.“In my eyes, you are the most beautiful and tender woman in the whole world. I love you.”

25.“Your beauty cannot be ignored, it is something unbelievable because it not only pleases my eyes but also warms my heart.”

26.“Even if you do not believe that you are beautiful, look into my eyes and you’ll be surprised by your pretty reflection.”

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27.“To wake up every morning and to see your beautiful smile is the sense of my life. You are fantastic.”

28.“Everything and everyone in this world can be replaced except you, my wonderful wife!”

29.“Still, I can’t understand how God could create such an ideal woman like you, you are perfect from the toes to the head.”

30.“Even thousands of orchids can’t compare to your beauty, you are unique.”

31.“Your soul is like an ocean, it doesn’t matter how deep I dive into your depths, I will never reach the bottom.”

32.“Never forget that you are a talented, amazing, and wonderful woman in the world.”

33.“Even when you are sad, remember that you are beautiful and the whole world is yours.”

34.“You are beautiful, for me, you are the best woman in the world.”

35.“Let each your day start with words: “I am beautiful, I am lucky, I deserve the best in this world.”

36.“Each side of your appearance and each trait of your character are beautiful, you are the most balanced person I have ever known.”

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37.“I am so blessed to have such a stunning friend, who sees the beauty everywhere and teaches me how to love this world. Thank you for being with me.”

38.“I hope that one day you will see yourself with my eyes: confident, beautiful, and successful.”

39.“The moon and the stars don’t glow as bright as your eyes, you are extremely beautiful.”

40.“You have found a way to my soul and a key from my heart, you are divine.”

41.“Once I was told that I would fall in love with a gorgeous woman, but I could never imagine that this woman will be fantastically pretty with the most extraordinary personality I’ve ever met.”

42.“Your beauty is in your optimistic attitude towards life, in your generous heart and in honest thoughts.”

43.“Keep your chin up, you are young, beautiful and independent, enjoy this life!”

44.“When I saw you for the first time, I noticed your bright appearance, but then I got to know your beautiful soul, and I understood that you are the one.”

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45.“You are the light of my life, keep shining!”

46.“Remember that your lovely face is for smiles, not for wearing the masks.”

47.“Distract from the bad and good is bound to happen! You’re wonderful!”

48.“Believe in yourself, you are strong inside and marvellous outside.”

49.“You are the woman of my dreams, which made my mediocre life bright and full of emotions.”

50.“You are a fairy, you create beauty everywhere and share warmth with others. I’m crazy about you.”

51.“I’ve been dreaming about you for my whole life, you are my wonderful muse.”

52.“Only a few things are priceless in this life: your love, your smile and your faith in me.”

53.“I am sad because even the whole life is not enough to love such a gorgeous woman like you.”

54.“Your innocent and beautiful soul has forced all the shadows of my doubts to leave and thanks to you I became happy.”

55.“I adore you, I have never seen more sparkling eyes and more dazzling smile than yours.”

56.“Will you be my beautiful princess? I am not your prince charming, but I will do my best to become him for you.”

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57.“I will love you even when you are no longer young and beautiful because your beauty is inside you and it is eternal.”

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58.“Your beauty is not showy and vulgar, it is sweet, gentle and modest, it is in your gestures, in your words and eyes. You won me.”

59.“Darling, I can’t stand the cruelty and hypocrisy of other people, only your beautiful smile, and amazing, deep eyes help me to live.”

60.“Even Aphrodite is a pale copy of your beauty, you are one in a million.”

61.“The smell of your hair is more pleasant than the scent of thousands of roses, I dream to plunge into its warmth and to spend eternity in your arms.”

62.“You are worth of millions of compliments and I will spend my entire life telling you how wonderful and stunning you are.”

63.“Sweet, unique, modest, kind, honest, these words describe only one percent of your personality and I dream to discover you for the rest of my life.”

64.“The stars, the moon, and the sun are minor to me because you shine brighter than all of them!”

65.“You’re remarkable, you make me perform feats, for your sake, I become better.”

66.“You are more beautiful than spring flowers, if I were talented, I would write hundreds of poems dedicated to your beauty.”

67.“You are a dream that has become reality, your unearthly beauty deprived me of my reason, my heart belongs to you.”

68.“I’m extremely happy that you have fascinated me with your beauty and have stolen my heart.”

69.“Your graceful and delicate facial features should be perpetuated by the most talented sculptor, you are an ideal woman.”

70.“When I look at you, I believe that beauty will save the world.”

71.“Your hair is softer than silk, light in your eyes is brighter than the sun and your skin is more delicate than satin.”

72.“You are the queen of my dreams, I am ready to strew the path, on which you walked, with hundreds of peonies.”

73.“Beloved, do not be sad, on such a charming face there must be only emotions of joy and happiness.”

74.“You’re one in my head, in my heart and in my life, you are the most charming woman in the universe.”

75.“Minna Antrim once said: “A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul”. I am lucky since you please my eyes and my soul.”

76.“No one realizes the beauty of love until you lose it.”

77.“The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.”

78.“The beauty of love is to look into your eyes, and see the love you feel for me, to see the way you feel and the way you care, that is why I love you.”

79.“Do you mind if I look at you for a bit? I want to remember your face to use it in my dreams. You’re so adorable!”

80.“Look in the mirror and tell your reflection that you are beautiful because you truly are.”

81.“My Sweetheart, I am just a common person who is fallen in your beauty. Where can I find a girl who is pretty as you are?”

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82.“When you go, you turn heads, I am so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend.”

83.“Looking into your eyes I can see beauty, looking into your soul I can see passion, looking into your mind I can see intelligence, but looking into your heart I can see the world.”

84.“In my eyes, you are the most adorable and tender girl in the whole world. I love you so much, my girl.”

85.“You’re such a beautiful person with a beautiful heart. If the world knew you, then we’d all forget how to hate.”

86.“Beauty is not that which you were born, but the real beauty of character based on human values and I strongly believe it.”

87.“Even if you do not believe that you are beautiful, look into my eyes and you’ll be surprised by your pretty reflection.”

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88.“Only God’s creations can compare to the beauty that I see in you! My love for you is infinite, without limits.”

89.“Think about it this way that if another person thinks you are beautiful so why should you not?”

90.“Someday you will be able to look into someone’s eyes and tell them you are beautiful.”

91.“People say that beauty is in the eyes of the person looking, well, you look beautiful to me.”

92.“Look in the mirror and tell your reflection that you are beautiful because you truly are.”

93.“You are beautiful no matter what other people might tell you, no matter what they say.”

94.“Your body is a temple, it holds the secret to the universe and that is beauty at its best.”

95.“Everyone has the beauty of their own, something that is unique to them, something only they have.”

96.“You are like the night sky, with tons of stars hidden deep within, now tells me that is not beautiful and I will show it to you.”

97.“A happy girl is a beautiful one for smiling is one of the most beautiful acts in this world.”

98.“Someday you will be able to look into someone’s eyes and tell them you are beautiful.”

99.“Think about it this way: another person thinks you are beautiful so why should you not?”

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One should never miss the chance to tell you loved one that she is beautiful. She will always remember you and have a great day too!

By sharing these beautiful quotes for her, she will feel the love with you.

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