The 65 Yummiest Cookie Monster Quotes

Who didn’t grow up with Sesame Street and all the loveable characters? Elmo, Big Bird, Rosita, and Cookie Monster! Those of us who used To watch this beloved show can remember all the great lessons that were taught. We learned our ABC’s and numbers from the brightly colored, positive, and happy residents of Sesame Street.

Unfortunately over the years, the show has disappeared. I don’t know about parents and grandparents today – but if I can find Sesame Street on the television, my kids are not very interested. I am not sure if it is because of the other cartoons that are on the television now. I don’t know if it is because of the overuse of electronics or just A change in the times. I would love To sit down with my 2-year-old grandson and watch Sesame Street.

Today we are going to focus on Cookie Monster. The fun-loving, cookie-eating character was one of my favorites on the show. Hopefully, these quotes will bring back some amazing memories and lots of laughs.

My Favorite Cookie Monster Quotes

1. “Early bird gets the worm. But Cookie taste better than worm. So me sleep in.”

2. “No get upset, okay? Don’t get excited. Me not fussy — just give me box of cookies.”

3. “Me lost me Cookie at the disco.”

4.”Me just met you and this is crazy, but you got cookie, so share it maybe?”

5.”Who care if me eat carrot or collard greens. Me also like broccoli and lettuce and lima beans. Me still Cookie Monster. That not a sham.”

6.”I spare me the most loved Cookie audit for last… a Cookie in the current style! Dis Cookie is warm with melty chocolate chippies, however cold with A yummy dessert. Alright, now me slobbering.”

7. “My tummy in despair.”

8. “It’smy birthday today! Me going To celebrate with 2 Cookie cakes! One cookie-molded cake, one cake-formed cookie. Consider every contingency.”

9. “This blue shirt I have is for all intents and purposes A similar shading as my pants, and looking all-blue is something just Cookie monster can draw off.”

10.”Shhhhh! We’re at the library! No get furious, alright? Try not to get energized. Me not particular – simply give me box of cookies.”

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11. “I do my best To avoid dairy, particularly frozen yogurt. I’ve turned into a Cookie monster at whatever point I need To mess around and eat something modest.”

12. “Last call for cooooooookies! I don’t need you To pass up opportunity To eat cookies with me on Sesame Street!”

13. “Keeping myself up late this evening, each Cookie in turn….”

14. “It da best holiday ever! Cheerful #NATIONALCOOKIEDAY To all me friends & be that as it may, above all, To me! Om nom!”

15. “Dis year me concentrating on my self-care. When I need little love, me going To give meself cookie.”

16. “Oh! No, no, No, no! Never eat cookies again. no! From now on, Me eat carrots. Yeah! And fish. And whole wheat bread.”

17. “In the event that you need assistance eating all dem cookies, I know A person!”

18 “A year ago Telly spruced up as Cookie for Halloween. I pursued him 6 squares till I understood it was simply ensemble!”

19. “That what wrong with the media today. All they have is questions, questions, questions. They Never have cookies.”

20. “I wouldn’t trade you for all the cookies in the world.”

21. “Companion an option that is superior To anything chocolate dessert – Maybe companion someone you surrender last Cookie for.”

22. “Sometimes me think, what is friend? And then me say: a friend is someone to share last Cookie with.”

23. “Friend something better than chocolate ice cream. Maybe friend somebody you give up last Cookie for.”

24. “No! no! Cookies! Sorry, Cookie. Me cannot eat you ever… Say you talking, Cookie?… You crying, Cookie?…Hmmm. Well, Maybe sometime a cookie.”

25. “C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me. C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me. C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me.”

26. “My most loved shape is A circle, since I most loved sustenances are circles: pizzas, pies, and, obviously, cookies!”

27. “Oh, cookie, cookie, Cookie starts with C.”

28. “Chocolate chip important To me… It mean whole lot To me…Om nom nom nom.”

29. “Me Cookie Monster. That all there is To it. Me love To eat cookie. Sometimes eat whole, sometimes me chew it.”

30. “Me sparing pie for tomorrow. Today about cookies!”

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31. “No get upset, okay? Don’t get excited. Me not fussy – just give me box of cookies”

32. “Resist the urge To panic and eat Cookies.”

33. “Me need cookie!”

34. “One Cookie Never enough.”

35. “I just took A DNA test turns out 100% cookies.”

36. “Me Cookie Monster. That all there is To it. Me love To eat cookie. Sometimes eat whole, sometimes me chew it.”

37. “Oh, cookie, cookie, Cookie starts with C, yeah! Cookie, cookie, Cookie starts with C, oh boy! Cookie, cookie, Cookie starts with C!”

38. “Me love poetry & and cookies!”

39. “You know what goes great with cookies? Cookies.”

40. “One Cookie Never enough.”

41. “Cookie starts with C. Let’s think of other things. That starts with C. Oh, who cares about the other things?”

42. “Oh and the moon sometimes looks like A C, But you can’t eat that.”

43. “Uh, Uh, Cookie talked!”

44. “I’d do anything for A cookie.”

45. “Fruit or Cookie? Me Cookie Monster! This No-Brainer!”

46. “Onion rings are just vegetable donuts.”

47. “Cookie is like high five for stomach.”

48. “I’d give you A cookie, but I ate it.”

49. “Me assessing all my cookies from me monster pound video! Dis phantom Cookie simply likes apparition… it vanishes when I eat it! Om nom.”

50. “Me wasn’t born with name Cookie Monster. It just nickname dat stuck. Me don’t remember me real name.Maybe it was Sidney?”

51. “Me going To have a Cookie when I completed the process of tweeting. So I wrapped up!”

52. “Three things me grateful for: cookies, cookies and more cookies. My monster of basic tastes”

53. “April Fool’s jokes make me one focused on the Monster. I need cookie”

54. “No doubt, that no work. Me just got hit by falling chicken.”

55. ““Home is where heart is. Heart where Cookie is. Math clear: home is cookie.”

56. “If you were A cookie, I’d be your Cookie Monster.”

57. “Ding-dong! You’re wrong!”

58. “No cry because Cookie is finished. Smile because Cookie happened.”

59. “Today we will live in the moment unless it’s unpleasant in which case me will eat cookie.”

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60. “Speak softly and carry big cookie. Big enough to share with a good friend.”

61. “If sad, eat cookie. If still sad, talk to doctor. Sounds serious.”

62. “Home is where heart is. Heart where Cookie is. Math clear: Home is cookie.”

63. “Om Nom Nom Nom.”

64. “Some of the time I think, what is A companion? And after that me state: a companion is somebody To impart last Cookie to.”

65. “Me Cookie Monster. It’s just as simple as that. Me want to eat cookie. Here and there eat entire, now and then me bite it.”

Sesame Street: Cookie Monster Songs Compilation

Sing along to all your favorite songs starring Cookie Monster in this one hour compilation, including C is for Cookie, Cookie Shark, and so much more!

Cookie Monster Summary

C is for Cookie is the most popular and memorable song by Cookie Monster. chocolate chip cookies are his favorite type of cookie. Although he wasn’t the favorite character on the show, Cookie Monster was still A HUGE part of the show.

He is loved by a whole lot of kids, as well as parents. Frank Oz and David Rudman are the two men who played Cookie Monster over the years, portraying his fun-loving characteristics and love of cookies (and other foods).

Some other great facts about Cookie Monster; his real name was Sid Monster. He first appeared in 1966 as Wheel-Stealer in unaired General Mills commercials for cereal. Cookie Monster is A very furry blue Jim Henson creation that has made kids laugh for decades. He has taught us all about cookies and the letter C.

Image Credit: DOD photo by Army Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone C. Marshall Jr., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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