Jar Jar Binks is often considered one of the most hated characters in the Star Wars Movie Series. He provides comic relief and utters nonsense and most people either find him slightly amusing or super annoying. There is not really any middle ground with Jar Jar.
This George Lucas creation has stared in Star Wars I, II, and III, as well as in The Clone Wars. An oftentimes clumsy and somewhat sarcastic spirit, Jar Jar always tries to do the right thing but ends up failing somehow. Compared to other Star Wars characters, his fighting skills are lacking, thus making him a least favorite among fans.
But, underneath that rough exterior, lies a charismatic and likable personality! In his pursuit to help others, Jar Jar Binks acquired wisdom and knowledge to use through his life travels.
Jar Jar Binks Quotes
Whether you’re a die-hard Star Wars fan or someone trying to find their way in life, these 85 Thought-Provoking Jar Jar Binks Quotes are sure to please. A few even include quotes taken from other Star Wars characters as well.
1. “That is the sound of a thousand terrible things headed this way.” — Jar Jar Binks
2. “Oh, Mooie-Mooie! I Love You!” — Jar Jar Binks
3. “Mesa day startin pretty okee-day with a brisky morning munchy, then BOOM! Gettin very scared and grabbin that Jedi and POW! Mesa here! Mesa gettin’ very very scared!” — Jar Jar Binks
4. “If me be returnin, the Bosses will do terrible things to me! Tewwwwible things!” — Jar Jar Binks
5. “Ex-Squeeze-Me, But De Mostest Safest Place Would Be Gunga City. Is Where I Grew Up. ‘Tis A Hidden City.” — Jar Jar Binks
6. “Monsters out there, leaking in here. Weesa all sinking and no power.” — Jar Jar Binks
7. “If they find us, they will crush us, grind us into TINY pieces and BLAST us into oblivion! — Obi-Wan
8. “Oh, But It ‘Tis. ‘Tis Demanded By The Gods, It ‘Tis.” — Jar Jar Binks
9. “Wesa got a grand army. That’s why you no liking us meesa thinks.” — Jar Jar Binks
10. “No-ah ‘gain, Jar Jar. You-sa goin’ to da Bosses. You-sa in big doo-doo dis time!” — Captain Nerpals
11. “Uh, On Second Thought, No. Not Really, No.” — Jar Jar Binks
12. “Better dead here than deader in the core. Ye gods whatta meesa sayin’?” — Jar Jar Binks
13. “All slaves have a transmitter placed somewhere in their body.” — Shmi Skywalker
14. “Tis Embarrassing, But, Uh My Afraid My’ve Been Banished. My Forgotten. Da Bosses Would Do Terrible Tings To Me. Terrible Tings To Me If Me Goen Back Dare.” — Jar Jar Binks
15. “Hmmm… yousa point is well seen.” — Jar Jar Binks
16. “The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Now get out of here.” — Qui-Gon Jinn
17. “Oh. Yousa Point Is Well Seen. This Way. Hurry!” — Jar Jar Binks
The Best Luke Skywalker Quotes
18. “Yousa need to do that…that thing… — Jar Jar Binks
19. “Gungans have grand army. That’s why you no liking us meesa thinks.” — Jar Jar Binks
20. “How did you end up here with us?” — Queen Amidala
21. “Wesa Goen Underwater, Okeyday?” — Jar Jar Binks
22. “Mesa hatin’ crunchin’ . That’s the last thing mesa wantin’.” — Jar Jar Binks
23. “Did He Crash-Ed?” — Jar Jar Binks
24. “I’ve been working on a scanner to try and locate mine.” — Anakin
25. “Ahhh, Dissen Cozy.” — Jar Jar Binks
26. “Well, mesa more of a deep thinker.” — Jar Jar Binks
27. “How wude!” — Jar Jar Binks
28. “Oh. Th-Thank You. Go.” — Jar Jar Binks
29. “Mesa cause one, two-y little bitty axadentes, huh? Yud say boom de gasser, den crashin der bosses heyblibber, den banished.” — Jar Jar Binks
30. “Hey, you-sa! Stop-pa dere!” — Jar Jar Binks
31. “Oh, Dissen Gonna Be Messy. Me No Watch’n!” — Jar Jar Binks
32. “Oh Gooberfish” — Jar Jar Binks
33. “My Tongue Is Fat. My Tongue -Wrench. Wrench. Where Is Da Wrench? Oh, Dare It Is. Hey. Uh-Oh. Uh, Ani. I’m Stuck. Ani-” — Jar Jar Binks
34. It’s a longo taleo buta small part of it would be mesa… clumsy
35. “Yousa should follow me now, okeeday? My warning yous: Gungans no like outsiders. Don’t ‘spect a warm welcome.” — Jar Jar Binks
36. “Hello boyos.” — Jar Jar Binks
37. “Ex-squeeze me, but the mostest safest place would be Gunga City. ‘Tis where I grew up. ‘Tis a hidden city.” — Jar Jar Binks
38. “Careful, Ani. Careful, Ani!” — Jar Jar Binks
39. “Let’s get out of here before more droids show up” — Qui-Gon Jinn
40. “Icky, icky goo!” — Jar Jar Binks
41. “The Queen’s A Bein’ Grossly Nice, Mesa Tinks. Pitty Hot.” — Jar Jar Binks
42. “More? More did you spake?” — Jar Jar Binks
43. “Senator Padme. Mesa Palos Here! Lookie, Lookie, Senator. Desa Jedi Arriven.” — Jar Jar Binks
44. “Desa Nobody Dare. The Gungan City Is Deserted. Some Kinda Fight, Mesa Tinks” — Jar Jar BInks
45. “Peace!” — Boss Nass
46. “Mesa Busten Wit Happiness Seein Yousa Again, Ani. Shesa Happy. Happier Den Mesa Seein Her In A Longo Time.” — Jar Jar Binks
47. “Mesa No Tink So. When In Trouble Gungans Go To Sacred Place. Mesa Show You. Come On. Mesa Show You.” — Jar Jar Binks
48. “My forgotten, da Bosses will do terrible tings to me TERRRRRIBLE is me going back der!” — Jar Jar Binks
49. “It’s-A Clear Desa Separatists Made A Pact Wesa Desa Federation Du Trade. Senators, “Dellow Felagates.” In Response To This Direct Threat To The Republic, Mesa Propose That The Senate Give Immediately Emergency Powers To The Supreme Chancellor.” — Jar Jar Binks
50. “Obi? Obi! Mesa So Smilen To Seein Yousa!” — Jar Jar Binks
51. “As you can see, Jar Jar said less and less to say until he was reduced to one line in the final prequel film. That line can almost be seen as George Lucas making an apology for the character’s existence but that may be reading to much into it.” — Jar Jar Binks
52. “It’s-A Clear Desa Separatists Made A Pact Wesa Desa Federation Du Trade. Senators, “Dellow Felagates.” In Response To This Direct Threat To The Republic, Mesa Propose That The Senate Give Immediately Emergency Powers To The Supreme Chancellor.” — Jar Jar Binks
53. “He owes me what you call a Life Debt.” — Qui-Gon Jinn
54. “Lookee, Lookee, It’s A Swamp Planet Just Like Home. Meesa Have To Get Going.” — Jar Jar Binks
55. “Oh, maxi big the Force! Well, that smells stinkerwhiff.” — Jar Jar Binks
56. “Hang On, Three-So” — Jar Jar Binks
57. “Blurublurublu! Be gone with him!” — Boss Nass
58. “Here’s A Button That’s Still Working.” — Jar Jar Binks
59. “No again! No again! The beings hereabouts are kwazy! We shall be robbed and crunched!” — Jar Jar Binks
60. “Ah! Forget Surrender. Weesa Run.” — Jar Jar Binks
61. “Hey yo, Daddy, Captain Tarpals. Mesa back.” — Jar Jar Binks
62. “Thisa Rescuin’ Is Hard Jobbin'” — Jar Jar Binks
63. “I don’t know. Mesa day startin pretty okee-day with a brisky morning munchy, then BOOM! Gettin very scared and grabbin that Jedi and POW! Mesa here! Mesa gettin’ very very scared!” — Jar Jar Binks
64. “Yousa Okay, Bogey?” — Jar Jar Binks
65. “Ya-hoo!” Jar Jar Binks
66. “I’m Just A Gungan And I Don’t Think I’m Either” — Jar Jar Binks
67. “Representative Binks Of Naboo.” — Jar Jar Binks
68. “Where wesa goin?” — Jar Jar Binks
69. “Aah! Aah! Aah! Whoa-Ohh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Aaah! Help Me!” — Jar Jar Binks
70. “Meesa Make Contact.” — Jar Jar Binks
71. “Thatsa Looken Like A Jedi Robe.” — Jar Jar Binks
72. “Wait. Meesa Eyeball’s Stuck In The Sleeve.” — Jar Jar Binks
73. “Meesa Doing Nothing.” Jar Jar Binks
74. “Don’t worry. The Force will guide us.” — Jar Jar Binks
75. “We Musta Hafta Try And Savin’ Her.” — Jar Jar Binks
76. “Ah It’sa Nothing” — Jar Jar Binks
77. “Not likely, we have nothing of value. That’s our problem.” — Qui-Gon Jinn
78. “Millions Will Be Starvin’ And Dyin’ Without Your Help.” — Jar Jar Binks
79. “Senators. Dellow feligates…” — Jar Jar Binks
80. “Beggin’ Your Highness What’sa He Doing Here?” — Jar Jar Binks
81. “Mesa Proposing A Conceptual Work Of Art To Honor The Trade Federation.” — Jar Jar Binks
82. “I Heard Toydarians Really Like That, But I’m Taking It. Thank You Very Much. I’m Sure You’re Finished With That.” — Jar Jar Binks
83. “I — Here We Go. And A Whoo!” — Jar Jar Binks
84. “Gentlemen And Gentlemen.” — Jar Jar Binks
85. “Thosen With Good In Their Heart Always Passen Too Soon” — Jar Jar Binks
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Jar Jar Binks video – The Darth Jar Jar Theory
If you are a Jar Jar Binks Fan, or even if you absolutely HATE him, you should watch this.
In this quite entertaining video, they discuss the possibility of Jar Jar Binks actually being an evil Sith master aka Darth Jar Jar.
What do you think – could it be true? or too crazy?
Applying Jar Jar Binks Quotes to Everyday Life
Wisdom is golden, Jar Jar and his buddies provide that in the above Jar Jar Binks Quotes! Each of which you can apply in everyday life to gain clearer insight toward the future. All it takes is tapping into the ultimate power source and you can avoid unforeseen obstacles.
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