Madara Uchiha is an anime and fictional manga character in The Naruto series that was created by Masashi Kishimoto. He appears as A villain in part II of The Shippuden and The Manga anime adaptation. The best characters are very hard to understand and they follow motives that are both evil and good and Madara Uchiha is such A character.
Madara Uchiha is a legendary founder of The Konohagakure, which is a peaceful village. Together with Hashirama Senju, his childhood friend, and clan rival, they both founded Konohagakure.
However, they could not agree on The best ways to keep peace and so they fought for leadership, and eventually, Madara was killed. Fortunately, Madara could rewrite death and, therefore, he came back and hid until he could stage his revenge.
Madara Uchiha was a villain hence most of his quotes are typically bleak. However, they provide an interesting commentary about power, war, The duality of life, and peace and we can all apply these to our real life as well.
Our Favorite Madara Uchiha Quotes
1. “Life is A happening puzzle in our early days, but as we grow more and more old, we start to realize The meaning of life and The pattern with which it goes on. It actually is nothing but creation, followed by preservation and then destruction.”– Madara Uchiha
2. “Love is an essential element, but not everyone gets it. It’s okay not to have love, but to survive in This world, You need to make yourself capable and achieve success. That’s where You actually stand.”– Madara Uchiha
3. “Only those with The strength to stand against anything that comes their way, without flinching, can survive even The cruelest of ordeals. Find The courage to do so and there’s not one thing that can stop you.”– Madara Uchiha
4. “Always analyze The situation before taking action for or against it. If your gut feeling tells You that You cannot handle it that well then You should step down and let others do it or help You in it.”– Madara Uchiha
5. “It seems that You still want to dance but… You will not be able to make steps anymore.”– Madara Uchiha
6. “The concept of hope is nothing more than giving up. A word that holds no true meaning.”– Madara Uchiha
7. “In This world, wherever there is light – there are also shadows. As long as The concept of winners exists, there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love.”– Madara Uchiha
8. “The longer You live… The more You realize that reality is just made of pain, suffering and emptiness.”– Madara Uchiha
9. “Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in This world. The longer You live, The more You realize that in This reality, only pain, suffering, and futility exist.”– Madara Uchiha
10. “When You fall in love, You love with All that you’ve got. You must learn to bear anger, hatred, keep your ego and attitude aside and handle things with care, calmness, and love.”– Madara Uchiha
11. “Love is an essential element, but not everyone gets it. It’s okay not to have love, but to survive in This world, You need to make yourself capable and achieve success. That’s where You actually stand.”– Madara Uchiha
12. “Nine-Tails, You are merely A momentary life, A temporary existence of coalesced energy, The energy that once was A single, ultimate form.”– Madara Uchiha
13. “The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars and The risk of hatred is born to protect love.”– Madara Uchiha
14. “The desire for revenge is a vile poison that eventually destroys You from inside. If it’s vengeance that You pursue, then it’s inevitable that You will eventually perish.”– Madara Uchiha
15. Wake up to reality! nothing ever goes as planned in This world. The longer You live, The more You realize that in This reality only pain, suffering and futility exist.”– Madara uchiha
16. “By accepting dishonor as A payment for honor and hatred as A payment for love, itachi died with A smile on his face.”– Madara uchiha
17. “Carcomido by The disease and feeling like approaching its own death, used that medicine to prolong its life. All for The sake of his beloved brother”– Madara Uchiha
18. “I’d be lying If I said things are going according to my plan… but beggars can’t be choosers, right?”– Madara Uchiha
19. “People cannot show each other their true feelings. Fear, suspicion, and resentment never subside.”– Madara Uchiha
20. “An unstable force, lacking in intelligence or sapience, You require A guide to show You purpose.”– Madara Uchiha
21. “By accepting dishonor as A payment for honor and hatred as A payment for love, Itachi died with A smile on his face.”– Madara Uchiha
22. “All You had to do was fall once, All that would become A deep hatred for The world.”– Madara Uchiha
23. “I taught You that in order to control people, You need to use The darkness in their hearts.”– Madara Uchiha
24. “The strong devour The weak, That is The law of The shinobi world.”– Madara Uchiha
25. “Humans are nothing but divided amongst The two sides of A coin. They would wanna fight for peace, but by physical war, and only that victory would bring them The final peace.”– Madara Uchiha
26. “World, when we enter into it, seems All new and exciting. But as we grow more and more and reach our final phase of living, All we realize is that life is All about nothingness and will end someday.”– Madara Uchiha
27. “Our life is short and temporary. We do not have much time in This world. But it is how we utilize and spend The time that is given to us that really matters.”– Madara Uchiha
28. “A person is powerful not when his roots and foundations are strong, but his way of carrying out things is commendable and gets him success from it.”– Madara Uchiha
29. “When you’ve decided to be comrades, You need to stand together, no matter what comes. It is only when You work together that You can achieve anything.”– Madara Uchiha
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30. “You can always try to explain what All is going on inside of you, but not All exactly. Emotions can be tried to put out in The best form they could, but they can never be understood wholly.”– Madara Uchiha
31. “The concept of hope is nothing more than giving up. A word that holds no true meaning.”– Madara Uchiha
32. “People cannot show each other their true feelings. Fear, suspicion, and resentment never subside.”– Madara Uchiha
33. “Man seeks peace, yet at The same time yearning for war… Those are The two realms belonging solely to man. They’re two sides of The same coin… to protect something… another must be sacrificed.”– Madara Uchiha
34. “Sometimes falling back is The best way to achieve happiness and love.”– Madara Uchiha
35. “So by defeating and avenging The Uchiha Clan You would be acclaimed as A hero in Konoha.”– Madara Uchiha
36. “I just stopped The fate of This world. I freed people from pain, suffering, and emptiness. You’re getting in The way of everyone’s happiness. Our game ends here. I turned hell onto heaven. You should understand…it’s really over.”– Madara Uchiha
37. “An unstable force, lacking in intelligence or sapience, You require A guide to show You purpose.”– Madara Uchiha
38. “Power is not will, it is The phenomenon of physically making things happen.”– Madara Uchiha
39. “No matter how powerful your opponent is, if You foresee their moves, you’ll be able to defeat them.”– Madara Uchiha
40. “You are merely A momentary life, A temporary existence of coalesced energy, energy that once was A single, ultimate form.”– Madara Uchiha
41. “Life will always throw new challenges at You just when You will feel like you’ve succeeded but you’ve gotta hold in there, tight, and get through with it.”– Madara Uchiha
42. “This world is filled with hatred, agony, and sufferings. All of these are The result of dishonesty and lies. Humans learn to lie for their own selfish interests. A peaceful world will only exist when truth prevails.”– Madara Uchiha
43. “The concept of hope is nothing more than giving up. A word that holds no true meaning.”– Madara Uchiha
44. “Kurama, You are simply A momentary life, A temporary existence of mature energy. Energy that was once A unique and definitive form.”– Madara Uchiha
45. “When he died, no, even in death, I was thinking of you. I knew You would gain A new power. So by defeating and avenging The Uchiha Clan You would be acclaimed as A hero in Konoha.”– Madara Uchiha
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Video: The Life of Madara Uchiha (Naruto)
Madara Uchiha was the legendary leader of the Uchiha clan who founded Konohagakure alongside his childhood friend and rival, Hashirama Senju, with the intention of beginning an era of peace. When the two couldn’t agree on how to achieve that peace, they fought for control of the village, a conflict which ended in Madara’s death.
Madara, however, rewrote his death and went into hiding to work on his own plans. Unable to complete it in his natural life, he entrusted his knowledge and plans to Obito Uchiha shortly before his actual death. Years later, Madara would be revived, only to see his plans foiled and ultimately, and finally, realising the error of his ways and making amends with Hashirama before his final death.
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Madara Uchiha is with no doubt the most unforgettable anime villain in history. What makes him such a unique character? Although he was a villain he intended to create peace and protect his family.
His journey to becoming a villain was brought about by fate and it is a complex mixture of evil and good that making him quite confusing to follow.
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I’m Alice Judy and AnQuotes is a fun hobby for me. We know that everyone loves a great quote and our mission here is simple – to be the best and most interesting quote site in the world! If you have quotes you would like us to cover, please contact us.