55 Rev Run Words of Wisdom Quotes for All Fans

Rev Run, or DJ Rev Run, was born on November 14, 1964, as Joseph Ward Simmons. He’s a television personality and an American rapper with influence around the globe. He started his career as the lead vocalist in “The Force,” a hip-hop group. Later, Rev founded Run-D.M.C. and became the lead vocalist of the group.

His first feature was in the song by the UK pop band “Liberty X.” The number was “Song 4 Lovers,” which was released in 2005. Since then, he has released a number of songs and albums, including his solo album “Distortion.” He is well-loved by fans for his inspirational songs. Here are the best Rev Run words of wisdom quotes to inspire you!

Rev Run Words of Wisdom Quotes

1. “There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream.” – Rev Run

2. “When you doubt your power, you give power to doubt.” – Rev Run

3. “You can tell how much you believe God loves you and how much you trust him by how often you pray.” – Rev Run

4. “It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.” – Rev Run

5. “Best move I’ve ever made… Developed a deep relationship with Jesus Christ.” – Rev Run

6. “If a relationship is over, just remember it was bound to happen, keep moving! There’re no perfect endings!” – Rev Run

7. “Being happy doesn’t mean everything’s perfect. It just means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.” – Rev Run

8. “Big shots were once small shots who kept shooting!” – Rev Run

9. “I know the Lord didn’t bring me this far to leave me.” – Rev Run

10. “Stay Focused! Do not become distracted! A distraction is a fascination to an inappropriate attraction!” – Rev Run

11. “Being a bully on the internet is a sign of insecurity and weakness.” – Rev Run

Rev Run Quotes about Happiness
12. “Path to happiness: Stop trying to fix everything at once.” – Rev Run

13. “Some people forget that one of the greatest weapons against despair is prayer.” – Rev Run

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14. “When you’re grateful you have no time to become mad or hateful.” – Rev Run

15. “Hating on others is useless… It won’t make you jump higher, run faster; you get no trophy and it doesn’t increase your funds.” – Rev Run

16. “Don’t be too quick to judge. Praise people loudly but blame them softly.” – Rev Run

17. “Striving for success without hard work is like looking for fruit in places that you didn’t plant seeds, Useless!” – Rev Run

18. “100 is worth 100 no matter how dirty or crumbled it may be. Similarly, you don’t lose your worth because you’ve been through something!” – Rev Run

19. “I know you want to succeed… But take it easy… Never let your heart’s desire become a heart disease!” – Rev Run

20. “I love you takes 3 seconds to say, 3 hours to explain, and a lifetime to prove.” – Rev Run

21. “When you’re grateful you have no time to become mad or hateful.” – Rev Run

22. “Everybody carries a burden, how you carry it is what counts.” – Rev Run

23. “Rejoice! You’re not surviving so much for your love of God but Gods Love for you!” – Rev Run

Words of Wisdom Quote by Rev Run
24. “Do not anguish over your past! Let go of everything that does not nourish you.” – Rev Run

25. “Some people wake up and all they can see is what’s missing… Try looking around today to see what you have.” – Rev Run

26. “Decide to be happy… Smile today… A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” – Rev Run

27. “Too many people worry more about what they can’t see compared to what they actually can see.” – Rev Run

28. “Too many people worry more about what they can’t see compared to what they actually can see.” – Rev Run

29. “Don’t anguish over your past! Let go of everything that does not nourish you.” – Rev Run

30. “When life gets too hard to stand… Kneel.” – Rev Run

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31. “You will only have significant success when you’re borderline obsessed with your goals.” – Rev Run

32. “Stop telling God how big your problems are and start telling your problems how big your God is!” – Rev Run

33. “Many people have low self-esteem because they are not satisfied with the person that God has made them to be.” – Rev Run

34. “Hurt people always hurt people…”– Rev Run

35. “God calls us to be humble. Humility is a great defense against humiliation.” – Rev Run

36. “A wise man said it’s not a lack of love that ruins a marriage relationship; it’s a lack of friendship.” – Rev Run

37. “Envy is the ulcer of the soul.” – Rev Run

38. “Cherish family & friends…The best things in life are not things.” – Rev Run

Rev Run Words of Wisdom Quotes about Mental Wellness
39. “The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.” – Rev Run

40. “Patience is the art of hoping.” – Rev Run

41. “If you listen very close to haters & critics, you’ll hear the death gargle of a non-achiever.” – Rev Run

42. “It will cost you nothing to dream – and everything not to.” – Rev Run

43. “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and the end of human existence.” – Rev Run

44. “I know the Lord didn’t bring me this far to leave me.” – Rev Run

45. “Never come down off your chariot to fight those who are throwing tomatoes.” – Rev Run

46. “P U S H!! >>> (P)ray (U)ntil (S)omething (H)appens.” – Rev Run

47. “You cannot change the past (BUT) your future is spotless!” – Rev Run

48. “I’ve made up my mind! I choose to believe God.” – Rev Run

49. “Going solo can leave you So Low! With team there are no little is or big Us, with Team T-ogether E-veryone A-chieves M-ore!” – Rev Run

50. “Dear God. I’m in Love with You! Regardless of what’s going on.” – Rev Run

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51. “In my house we have two choices, be happy or be happy.” – Rev Run

52. “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” – Rev Run

53. “Whatever responsibilities you put behind you, will be waiting for you down the road.” – Rev Run

54. “Hope hard!!! Sadness, disappointment and despair have to flee in the presence of hope!” – Rev Run

55. “Get busy today folks! If you’re a gardener and your clothes aren’t dirty by the end of the day, you need to seriously re-examine your life!!” – Rev Run

Rev Run Shares the Joys of Narrating “The Hip Hop Nutcracker” on Disney+ | The View

Run DMC’s Rev Run tells “The View” about making a new spin on a Christmas classic, reminisces about finding love at a young age with his wife, Justine Simmons, and discusses his early career.


Rev Run words of wisdom quotes are not only inspirational but also thought-provoking. No wonder people are intrigued by his songs and albums. There is wisdom in Rev’s words that can help anyone in their life’s journey. Hope these quotes were valuable to you as much as they were to us!

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Rev Run” by gilmorec is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

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