The 44 Most Inspiring Rachel Hollis Quotes

Rachel Hollis is an author and entrepreneur whose book Girl, Wash Your Face sold over 4 million copies and quickly became a top-seller in the U.S. alone. She’s also had a successful podcast for 10 plus years, providing self-help tools to everyday people.

These 44 Rachel Hollis quotes will give you encouragement to strive for a brighter tomorrow! They teach self-love and are the key to unlocking your future potential. Approach each with an open heart, and take note of those which resonate.

You can also follow Rachel on her LinkedIn page which provides more insight into Hollis’s business and personal life. She even includes her most recent book publishings and motivational posts like the one titled “Rise Together” By Scott Miller!

Rachel Hollis Quotes

1. “Never dare break a promise to yourself.” — Rachel Hollis

2. “When you really want something, you”ll find a way. When you don’t really want something, you will find an excuse.” — Rachel Hollis

3. “Work for the joyful times like vacationing and wet thy pants while doing other things.” — Rachel Hollis, From, Girl, Wash Your Face

4. “Maybe one of the hardest parts of living is just being courageous and giving it a try.” –Rachel Hollis

5. “Nothing’s wasted. Every single moment of life’s preparing you for your next.” — Rachel Hollis

6. “I’ve learned to rest in knowledge; I’ll still be okay even if both of those things go away tomorrow. I’ve studied gospels and finally grasped a divine knowledge; I am loved and worthy and enough…as I am.” — Rachel Hollis — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

7. “I don’t need to find anyone. Right now, in this moment, I’m my own hero.” — Rachel Hollis “Be honest with yourself about what it is you are blowing off.” — Hollis, Rachel — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

8. “Life’s not supposed to overwhelm you. Life’s not supposed to be merely survived – it is to be Lived.” — Rachel Hollis

9. “Be honest with yourself about what it is you are blowing off.” — Rachel Hollis — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

10. “Our society leaves plenty of room for complacency or laziness; we are rarely surrounded by accountability. We are also rarely surrounded by sugar-free vanilla lattes, yet when I really want one, I somehow find a way to get hold of one.” — Rachel Hollis

11. “The difficult seasons we walk through are how we learn to build up strength to manage in any situation.” — Rachel Hollis

12. “Ladies, our judging has to stop. So does our compulsion to compete with everyone around us.” — Rachel Hollis — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

13. “By embracing your calling and refusing to hide your glow, you wouldn’t just make your world brighter, you’d light The way for The women who come behind you.” — Rachel Hollis

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14. “Your life’s supposed to be a journey from one unique place to The next; it is not supposed to be a merry-go-round ride That brings you back to The very same spot over and over again. ” — Rachel Hollis

15. “I heard him ask me, ‘Do you have faith in my plan or not?’ That’s what it comes down to: faith. The belief That your life will unfold as it was meant to, even when it unfolds into something painful and difficult to navigate. Do you believe he has a plan?” — Rachel Hollis — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

16. “The freedom to carve out The time and have a safe place to create That art is a blessing of The highest level in a world where so many people are unable to have either.” — Rachel Hollis

17. “Comparison is The death of all joy, and The only person you need to be better than is The one you were yesterday.” — Rachel Hollis

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18. “No is only an answer if you’re accepting of it.” — Rachel Hollis — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

19. “You become who you surround yourself with. You become what you consume. If you find yourself in a slump or feel as though you’re living in a negative space, take a good hard look at who and what you see every day.” — Rachel Hollis

20. “Not having knowledge simply makes you teachable, not dumb or stupid. Not being in shape simply makes you moldable, not lazy. Not having The experience simply makes you eager, not ignorant. Flip The script and force yourself to see The positive where you’ve only seen The negative.” — Rachel Hollis

21. “The definition of worship is ‘the feeling of expression or reverence for a deity.’ Creating is The greatest expression of reverence I can think of because I can recognize That The desire to make something is a gift from God.” — Rachel Hollis — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

22. “I am still here because I didn’t allow the hard time to make me weak; I willed it to make me strong.” — Rachel Hollis

23. “You are Beautiful and worthy of good things, and if you Do not believe it then, nobody else will either.” Rachel Hollis

24. “Look for The fruits of The Spirit. …The fruits of The Spirit are love, joy, patience, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. …Choose one That resonates with you at this moment, write it down on some Post-its, and stick it everywhere.” — Rachel Hollis — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

25. “Our bodies are incredible. They can Do unbelievable things. They’ll also tell you exactly what it is they need if you are willing to listen with care. And if you are not, if you try to Do too many things without rest, they’ll absolutely shut down to get what they need.” — Rachel Hollis

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26. “As long as you allow someone to treat you badly, they’ll continue to Do so. If you are not able to value yourself, no one else will either.” — Rachel Hollis

27. “The only thing worse than giving up is wishing That you hadn’t.” — Rachel Hollis — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

28. “God has perfect timing, and it is highly possible That by not being where you thought you ought to be, you’ll end up exactly where you are meant to go.” — Rachel Hollis

29. “I am successful because I have never once believed my dreams were someone else’s to manage. That’s The incredible part about your dreams – nobody gets to tell you how big they can be.” — Rachel Hollis

30. “Sometimes choosing to walk away, even if That means breaking your own heart, can be The greatest act of self-love you have access to.” — Rachel Hollis — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

31. “If time has taught me anything, it’s That our differences are what make this life unique. None of us are exactly like The other, and That is a good thing because there’s no right way to be.” — Rachel Hollis

32. “Nobody – not even a voice of authority, not your mama, not The foremost expert in your arena – gets to tell you how big your dreams should be. They can talk all they want but you get to decide if you’re willing to listen.” — Rachel Hollis

33. “Be careful any time The only voice of advisement is your own. Your judgment is easily clouded when you’re in love.” — Rachel Hollis — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

34. “I’ve even purposely looked for stories full of exactly this kind of angst, because I love The emotion behind it so much.” — Rachel Hollis

35. “Whatever standard you have set for yourself is where you will end up – unless you fight through your instinct and change your pattern.” — Rachel Hollis

36. “Embracing chaos might just be The path to finding inner peace.” — Rachel Hollis — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

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37. “The longer you live in a state of honesty, The easier it becomes to simply exist there all The time.” — Rachel Hollis

38. “Every single part of your life, your gratitude, The way you manage stress, how kind you are to others, how happy you are, can be changed by a shift in your perception.” — Rachel Hollis

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39. “He kisses me once more, on my forehead this time, and then he’s gone. And I know I am young, and fairly inexperienced where men are concerned, but I am positive That even when I am 90 years old I’ll still remember exactly what it feels like to have his lips on my skin.” — Rachel Hollis — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

40. “I still wake up every day and try again to become a better version of myself. Some days I feel as if I’m getting closer to The best version of me. Other days I eat cream cheese for dinner. But The gift of life is That we get another chance tomorrow.” — Rachel Hollis

41. “Stop waiting on someone else to fix your own life.” — Rachel Hollis

42. “It is my lot in life to forever envy anyone taller than I am. Oh well.. a little tease and a backcomb and my hair get me at least 2″ closer to heaven.” — Rachel Hollis — From — Girl, Wash Your Face

43. “Stop letting your head talk your heart out of it.” — Rachel Hollis

44. “It is usually our opposites who complement us best because they are The only ones who can balance us out.” — Rachel Hollis

Rachel Hollis Video

In this excellent interview, Rachel Hollis is interviewed by the infamous Ed Mylett. Rachel discusses her New York Times Best Seller, “Girl, Wash Your Face.” She talks about her strategies for embracing the chaos and how to feel centered, even during the most challenging times. Her tremendous strength really shines in this interview – so check it out!

In Conclusion

I hope The above Rachel Hollis quotes help you to reach inner peace and enlightenment. Her wise words of wisdom are very thought-provoking and will give you a new perspective on life. If you’ve enjoyed her quotes, then you’re sure to love her book Girl, Wash Your Face”!

Sure, life can get overwhelming at times, but when equipped with The right tools, you too can overcome The storm. The next time, take a deep breath and let Rachel make you feel better.


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