67 of the Most Relatable Taurus Quotes

Those represented by bulls are born on or after April 20th but not after May 20th, these People are born Taurus. Taurus’s are known for their dependability – they take  pride in the fact that Their business and personal relationships tend to be drama free because they believe in living honestly. A Taurus makes one of the best partners, friends or colleagues that you will ever have.

They can be open to listening and trying to understand another person’s opinion or point of view, but this does not mean that the Taurus will change Their stance on the matter. Being picky on who they choose to associate themselves with, a Taurus might be a tough person to become friends with. But once you’re in their circle, you’re in for for life as long as you don’t lie to the Taurus!

Devoted, stable, responsible, patient and practical are all words to describe the strengths of a Taurus. Although valuing another person’s opinion and point of view is in the Taurus nature, they can be quite uncompromising. Being incredibly stubborn and hard head like a bull and being extremely possessive at times are also other flaws of the Taurus.

Taurus Quotes

“I can’t stand to see red in my profit-or-loss column. I’m Taurus the bull, so I react to red. If I see it, I sell my stocks quickly.” – Barbra Streisand

“Taurus’ patient and reflective nature make them uniquely suited for professions where they are able to focus methodically on building and completing a project.” – Unknown

“If a Taurus loves you, they are going to look after you.” – Unknown

“Taurus is dependable and will fulfill any promises, but they will do so at Their convenience.” – Unknown

“The great earthquake shall be in the month of May; Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus; Venus, also Cancer, Mars in zero.” – Nostradamus

“Taurus will say it to your face, not behind your back.” – Unknown

“A Taurus always appears to be calm and steady even when they feel like punching in the face.” – Unknown

“If you sit around waiting for a Taurus to call you might miss your chance with them.” – Unknown

“People born under the Taurus sign value honesty above all else, so don’t try to pull a fast one on them, they’ll never forgive you.” – Unknown

“A Taurus takes Their relationships very seriously.” – Unknown

“I’m a Taurus, which sounds like the name of a pickup truck. I’d prefer to be born under the sign of the rock wallaby. If you’re going to interpret your life pursuant to an utterly irrational dogma, why can’t it have a cute mascot? Rock wallabies really are fabulous animals, and in any remotely just world, they would have Their own star sign.” – Elliot Perlman

Read ->  74 Undeniable Aries Quotes

“There’s nothing a Taurus hates more than passive aggressive mind games. Be upfront.” – Unknown

Related: Best Quotes for Dealing with Passive Aggressive People 

“Taurus won’t sit and wait. They get sh*t done themselves.” – Unknown

“The tighter you try to hold on to a Taurus the more they will slip through your fingers.” – Unknown

“Habits are a prominent theme for those born under the Taurus sign, as Their routines can help them be productive and organized.” – Unknown

“Changing the mind of a Taurus is a futile effort, but they will let you keep trying to tire you out.” – Unknown

“If you’re looking for loyalty in a partner, you are definitely looking for a Taurus.” – Unknown

“I’m a Taurus. To the bone.” – Michelle Pfeiffer

“Taurus are doing more than you know, on things you don’t know about.” – Unknown

“To a Taurus Their things are Their treasures. Don’t touch Their treasures.” – Unknown

“A Taurus will resent you for years if you do not apologize to them for being wrong and absolutely proclaim that they were right all along.” – Unknown

“Venus and earth combine in the sign of the Bull to create an affinity for plant life and living off the bounty of the earth.” – Unknown

“A Taurus can seem very serious on the outside, but they love to laugh.” – Unknown

“Something only Taurus do: think about someone all day but won’t text them.” – Unknown

“Maybe because I’m a Taurus, I like to watch plants grow.” – Bill Kreutzmann

“Taurus doesn’t hold grudges. They use them as motivation.” – Unknown

“Taureans are stubborn as hell. They never want to tell you what sign they are…. But underneath that tough Taurus hide beats the heart of a hopeless romantic.” – Armistead Maupin

“Taurus only hangout with People that are on the same wavelength as them. They don’t need anyone that’s going to bring drama.” – Unknown

“The Taurus modality is fixed, meaning People born under this sign tend to be reliable, persistent, and stable.” – Unknown

“You can 110% trust a Taurus.” – Unknown

“I’m a Taurus; I need a home.” – Adwoa Aboah

“Like a bull grazing in a pasture, Taurus isn’t looking for a fight, but it would be a mistake for anyone to challenge you.” – Unknown

“Don’t ever lie to Taurus. They are walking lie-detectors.” – Unknown

“Taureans love to enjoy and preserve nature and feel rebalanced and recharged by spending time walking on or digging in the earth.” – Unknown

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“If you are a very dramatic person, make sure you keep away from a Taurus.” – Unknown

“Taurus needs to maintain a sense of order in Their life and can get anxious when things become chaotic.” – Unknown

“I am a bull. I am Taurus. My will is awful. If I like something, there is nothing else. I was a pain in the neck. I still am a pain in the neck.”- Elsa Peretti

“Taurus will take forever to go through the menu, and still order the same food.” – Unknown

“Those with the sign of Taurus prominent in Their charts tend to be great at dedicating themselves to see projects and relationships through.” – Unknown

“Taurus may seem lazy, but the truth is they just can’t see the importance in some tasks so they choose to not do them.” – Unknown

“Money, sleep and food. Three precious things for a Taurus.” – Unknown

“Taurus and Sagittarius do not get along.” – Rico Nasty

“Taurus doesn’t get mad. They get disappointed and move on.” – Unknown

“Taurus isn’t looking to settle down with just anybody, they want to settle down with somebody who truly makes them feel something.” – Unknown

“Their patience and love for peace can lead to Taurus being somewhat complacent at times, making them vulnerable to getting stuck in a rut and feeling unmotivated.” – Unknown

“Family is one of the most important aspects of life for a Taurus.” – Unknown

“I’m a Taurus, you know. A bull. I belong in a field.” – Matt Roper

“A Taurus will listen to all of your points without interruption. They want to give you the benefit of the doubt even when they think you might be mistaken.” – Unknown

“Taurus are not mean but sarcastically humorous.” – Unknown

“Ruled by Venus, the Bull loves beauty and art, so these natives are very likely to be creative and artistically talented.” – Unknown

“A Taurus is likely to get into trouble for telling the truth rather than for lying.” – Unknown

“Taurus doesn’t listen to gossip. They wants to see things and determine the truth for themselves.” – Unknown

“I’m a Taurus.” – Tommy Dorfman

“If Taurus show you Their vulnerability, they trust you.” – Unknown

“Taurus are loyal and always willing to lend a hand of friendship, although they can be closed up for the outer world before they build trust for new social contacts they make.” – Unknown

“I can’t stand to see red in my profit-or-loss column. I’m Taurus the bull, so I react to red. If I see it, I sell my stocks quickly.” – Barbra Streisand

Read ->  53 of the Best Virgo Quotes

“Taurus is a tactile person and loves to give massages and be in physical contact with Their partner.” – Unknown

“A Taurus conceals Their emotions with humour.” – Unknown

“A Taurus will resent you for years if you do not apologize to them for being wrong and absolutely proclaim that they were right all along.” – Unknown

“If Taurus set a goal, they will achieve it against all the odds.” – Unknown

“Because of Taureans’ love of perfection, need for stability, and resistance to change, they won’t rush into a relationship with just anyone.” – Unknown

“The tighter you try to hold on to a Taurus the more they will slip through your fingers.” – Unknown

“A Taurus will do something unimportant to them just because you told them it couldn’t be done.” – Unknown

“Peace and quiet on Their own is how Tauruses like it sometimes.” – Unknown

“A Taurus always appears to be calm and steady even when they feel like punching in the face.” – Unknown

“Taurus won’t tell you they love you. They show you with action.” – Unknown

“Taurus stay up late every night, regret it every morning and then do it all over again.” – Unknown

Related: Other astrological “Earth” signs: Virgo Quotes and Capricorn Quotes

Taurus Video – The Top 5 Signs you are a TRUE Taurus!

Are you unsure if the Taurus astrological sign accurately describes you? Be sure to watch this fun and entertaining video. Number 2 usually convinces everyone. Give it a watch and you will know for sure!


Tauruses do not like any kind of complication, or changes that are made suddenly. They like to breeze through and be able to predict or know what is coming before it hits. Romance, cooking, and gardening are interests of the Taurus.

Taurus signs also like working with their hands, so show them you can work with your hands by sending them a quick relatable quote or if you’re a Taurus yourself share the quote you most relate to with your friends and family.

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